While I Was Away

…okay, sick as a dog, I took the opportunity to watch a few videos on EewwwChoob, more or less at random.  (Thank you, I am much better thanks to Zithromycin and various other modern medical miracles.)

Because I wasn’t in shape to do any deep diving as such, I just flitted from one topic to another, but luckily I managed to save a few URLs that may be of general interest.  Mostly, I concerned myself with topics of fairly recent vintage that I knew a little (or hardly anything) about, other than their titles and a simplistic overview. (Earlier histories, e.g. late 19th century, WWI, WWII and so on until say 1980:  got those covered, thankee.)

So here are some of the ones I did spend some time on.  Feel free to watch them yourself, as the interest grabs you.


Destroying ISIS


Ferrari 412 (Iain Tyrrell, of course, plus a whole bunch of his other restorations, also Jay Leno of course).  I think I watched well over two dozen of them.

10 U.S. Places Not Worth Visiting been there, and I agree with all of them*.

Bill Burr …always.


Then came I Do Cars.  Listen, I have NO automotive technical interest whatsoever, but I got hooked on this guy’s thing, and couldn’t stop watching them.  No excuses, no reason… it just grabbed me.

And of course, the “watch again” movies** and TV shows.  Of recent interest, Barnwood Builders on Discovery+, because I love ordinary people doing skilled work, and having fun while doing something worthwhile.  (Johnny Jett is brilliant.)

I’ve omitted all the F1-geeky and Brit football videos, because I know from experience that Reader interest on this topic is slim to nonexistent.

Have fun, as I did.  At worst, save the URLs for the next time you’re as sick as a dog.

*I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon, but I imagine it’s pretty much as described.

**No unwatched movies because I had no attention span and just wanted moving wallpaper while I coughed up my lungs.  Also, several people wrote to me suggesting great movies to watch.  Didn’t get to any of them, because I was feeling that crap.  Next time, or sometime soon anyway.  Thankee, all of you.


  1. Interesting list – have seen 8 of 10, missed Alamo and Graceland but then I was fortunate to see the others in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s, before they are what you see today. Never thought I would be this way, bit I miss the 80’s for 2 reasons, my youth and before most of America went to shit on a greased 45% incline. BTW, those Obungles adverts that run on Youchube really suck, thank GOD for ad block and fast forward.

  2. …I’ve omitted all the F1-geeky and Brit football videos, because I know from experience that Reader interest on this topic is slim to nonexistent…

    Amen. And amen. It always irritates me when American teams do well in international competition, because I have to endure ESPN and its comrades trying to convince me it’s a real sport. Honestly – if I wanted to watch a bunch of guys spending a couple hours struggling to score, I’d take my pals to the bar.

  3. I do enjoy engine teardown Video’s. Each time is an adventure. The forces required to do some of that damage is truly amazing. I’m always reminded of the classic description of a F1 Ferrari engine Failure.
    ” We were forced to withdraw due to electrical issues. ” Absolutely true. It seems one of the distributors was destroyed when a connecting rod went thru it. so … yes…. obviously electrical failure.

  4. The Grand Canyon is just as described. It is a wonderful natural feature. It is easy to appreciate, just park the car and walk to the overlook from which you can see most of it. After 20 minutes, you’re done.

    It’s disappointing due to people’s expectations. It’s not a carnival and there are no rides or amazing food, just unique scenery. I suggest that you all see it once, just don’t make it a destination. Instead, make it a stop on the way to somewhere else.

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