
That word describes so much about FJBiden, but this one is especially so:

President Joe Biden spoke to the NAACP and called for Congress to “outlaw” AR-15s and similar rifles in the wake of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Biden began by saying, “If you’re going to speak about violence, you’re going to speak about guns.”

He said, “An AR-15 was used in shooting Donald Trump, this was the ‘assault weapon’ that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them. I did it once and I will do it again.”

…followed by all the old lies about infant mortality, which we’ve heard before ad nauseam.

You know, when it comes to a lone asshole with a gun and an agenda, an unscoped AR-15 poodleshooter in the hands of a callow 20-year-old loser might actually be less dangerous than, say a scoped Savage 110, chambered in .308 Win in the hands of an experienced hunter (of any age).

No doubt the Communists would be all about banning “sniper rifles”, then.

Feckless bastards, and that goes especially for FJBiden who, if his brain was operating at any level higher than warm rice pudding (a big “if”) might be taken seriously on this issue.

As it is, just file his feeble rantings about assault rifles with all the other sludge emanating from his wide-open cakehole, and ignore.


  1. Everything biden has ever said or stood for was catered to the <80.
    The rest of us just try to ignore that criminal.
    NOBODY gets to say anything about what I can possess. Ever.

  2. The hunting rifle would have been more suited to purpose, with its lower vertical profile and inherent stability for field shooting.

    My point is, he missed.

  3. A budget AR is half the price of the Savage and both would need optics.

    I still can’t figure out how he didn’t roast himself on a tin roof in the middle of July with a heat wave rolling through the north east.

  4. Shamelessly stolen and rewritten based on a post by John Ringo.
    The names have been changed to reflect the (alleged) (likely) guilty.

    Speaker Identified as Klaus Schwab: Wow. When you guys fuck up you really fuck up.
    Speaker Identified as John Brennan: We didn’t do it.
    KS: They’re literally your lieutenants!
    JB: We told them not to!
    KS: Yeah. (Insincere voice) ‘No, no, don’t do that. It would be bad.’ Like I haven’t said that a time or two to my guys. And you triggered a 20 something hacker who had literally FAILED OUT OF HIS HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTING TEAM?! At least back in the day when you guys were COMPETENT, Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine who’d shot High Expert in Basic. You are really so incompetent it’s surprising you can breathe!
    JB: Like I said, we didn’t…
    KS: You saw the plan! You knew what it was! You didn’t think to mention ‘Hey, can you maybe find somebody who can shoot?’
    JB: (Very small voice) All the people who can shoot vote for Trump.

  5. Blame the guns, not the fact that the shooter had been exposed to rabid Trump hatred since the age of 12.
    The left has their version of Hitler Youth and he was exhibit #1.

  6. Hypothesis:
    * Let’s say young Mister Crooks was placed on the roof sometime after his untimely death by suspicious means.
    * Let’s say the firearm was placed near the cold corpse by various unscrupulous types.
    * Let’s say several other murderers were part of the scene… and each of them are now bobbing in the Mid-Atlantic without a paddle.
    * Let’s also say — utterly without a shred of evidence — the handlers of those ‘Klaus Schwab types’ are incompetent noodniks and tend to drool into their Prune Whip pudding.
    And I think we can safely say Prune Whip is an ideal nutritional product for lizard-faced smooth-brain grub-zuckers and other hollow moon residents.

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