Millions And Millions

There’s been a lot of harrumphing about Elon Musk setting up a “Super PAC” (political action committee) to channel tons of moolah into the Trump reelection campaign (here’s one take).

Of course, the Communists aren’t going to take this lying down, oh no.  Expect to see a lot of “Musk is evil” opinions emanating from the Left, and “a few people influencing and endangering our democraceh” wailing.  (Standard Left procedure:  if you can’t overcome the ideas, demonize the characters.)

Of course, when the Left does the PAC thing, it’s all well and good.  Zuckerberg spending millions to enable (possible fraudulent) voting drives?  No biggie.  Soros funding campaigns of other Commies in key state positions?  Why not?

But let a few conservative rich guys do the same for their candidate?  Oh no, that has to be stopped.

Fuck ’em, and the hypocritical horse they rode in on.


  1. Musk’s wallet is nice, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the billionaires on the other side.

  2. I had that “conversation” (if you could call it that) back when Obama was running. It’s a-okay for Soros to dump billions into influencing elections, but when the Koch Brothers did it, it was a crime against humanity, an existential threat to democracy, Naziism in action, take your pick.

  3. Let me know when they make facilitating and/or committing elections fraud a Capital Offense.

  4. it’s always been that way. Same way with the left complaining that Trump’s too old but having no problems with Bai-Den.

    One rule for thee, and another one for me is how the left always operates, in everything.

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