News Roundup

And into the news we dive: I the only one feeling a little conflicted about this operation?  I want FJB to go up against Trump.

...wait:  the Teamsters support Trump now?

...considering that every single thing this crooked asshole says is a lie (including “the”, “and” and “not guilty”), I’ll believe it when I see it.

In Furrin News: shit.

...another “Great Leap Forward” into economic ruin, one hopes., lead bullets on the other hand... And still in La Belle France:’s not like the Muzzies are going to win any Olympic medals, unless “suicide vest detonation” is now an Olympic sport (wouldn’t surprise me).

From the Department of Education:

...I’ve never agreed with bringing Sex Ed into primary schools, myself.

And in the Everybody Panic!!!! Department:

...whatever happened to the Asian Murder Hornet Invasion?  Asking for a friend.  Also:

...Steve Irwin was unavailable for comment.

…keyword:  China.

From the Dept. of Self-Love:

...didn’t work for me when my nose blocked up recently, though.  Maybe I was just using the wrong nipple clamps.

And now, in 


...I should point out that the houri in question has had a boob job recently — so why not?

And that’s the ass-end of the news.


  1. “….the houri in question has had a boob job recently.”
    Now I know where my missing cereal bowls went. I wonder if they’re bolt-ons or knockoffs?

  2. “The Teamsters support Trump now?!”

    Not all of them. Several acquaintances on social media who are proud Union members (some Teamsters, some not) went apoplectic with rage when that announcement dropped. To the point where I had to block or snooze most of them since they were overwhelming my feeds with constant unhinged, profanity-laden screeds.

    1. Leadership knows more than members here.

      Trump’s ideology is old school Democrat, similar to Reagan’s ideology before the Trotskyites caused Reagan to abandon the California Democratic Party.

  3. “…it’s not like the Muzzies are going to win any Olympic medals, unless “suicide vest detonation” is now an Olympic sport (wouldn’t surprise me).”

    Umm… Athletes from all-Moslem countries won 59 medals in Toyko in 2020.

      1. I found one: Feryal Abdelaziz, from Egypt – Gold, KARATE WOMEN’S KUMITE +61KG. She wears a hijab while competing. shows her in the 2020 African Championship final (against an Algerian woman not wearing a hijab). Looks like a tough gal – she could kick my ass and probably yours.

  4. She doesn’t *look* like a 1600 pound a night hooker. Must be REALLY good at it.

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