1. They want a rematch of 2016 when the worlds most hated woman lost to Trump? That would be interesting.

  2. Big Moron was voted the nominee for President by ~15 million people, and Mattressback Moron for VICE President, who has asserted many times in recent interviews that Biden was sharp as a tack and fully capable of being President. She lied and in doing so violated her Constitutional oath and abrogated her duty to apply the 25th amendment.
    Methinks the reason for that was that TPTB did not want her in office as President and exposed for four to six months as the gibbering moron she is. Instead, forcing the Big Moron to drop his candidacy by exposing him in a pre-Convention debate (he was not yet the official Dem nominee) lets him stay in office to absorb the slings and arrows for those four to six months while TPTB construct a hagiography for Mattressback Moron as the new Presidential nominee. In doing all this the Dem Party gave the finger to 15 million voters who chose Biden, not Harris, as their choice for President. Given her performance four years ago in the primaries, finishing dead last in a field of nineteen without getting a single delegate, I don’t think the Dem majority would ever vote for her for President if she were running in a primary this time.
    Just remember the Dem Motto: rules and laws for thee are mere suggestions for me, and the Constitution applies only when politically expedient.

  3. We are living in Truly Interesting Times!
    (BTW, any further news on the condition of Chairman Xi?)

  4. Regarding the graph, nothing was done last time, nothing will be done this time.

    We’re surrounded by fags, freaks and “woke” idiots (lots of overlap) empowered by a corrupt government of the same.

    They’re going to fuck us all. >:-[

  5. I heard that BLM has launched a protest about putting Kackle-A on the ticket. The phrase “you have a nice neighborhood here, it would be shame if anything happened to it” was not used in the article as I recall.

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