News Roundup

And speaking of things that make parts of one’s body ache painfully…

In Political News:


...executive summary:  ban fracking, carbon taxes, and the rest of the Green unicorn-fart nonsense:  requiring new buses, heavy duty vehicles and vehicle fleets to be zero-emission by 2030 and all vehicles to be 100% zero-emission by 2035.

...good question, but it’s probably the same group that’s been running it since 2020.

...newsflash:  nobody cares.  Especially if it’s “Dr.” Jill and his fuckface son doing the talking.

...triggering competition to claim her title as “Biggest Moron in Congress”, amid some strong competition.

In Entertainment News: my old dad used to say:  “Never hug a wet woman”, and he was right.

In International News:

...Americans will experience the same under [sic] President Kamala Harris.

...providing the answer to the perennial teaser:  “Name one thing Hitler did do right”.

Still in Britishland:

...government at the expense of taxpayers;  why are we not surprised?

From the Dept. of Health:

...Mommy Mommy, he’s doing an InstaSnark again.

In still-link-free  


...just sayin’.

And peering in the windows of the houses of we find: know, I was going to show some pics of the aforementioned slags, but they’re not as bad as you’d expect;  they’re worse.  So instead, some nicer things, perhaps not even slags (borrowed from Kenny):

…and an old one of Ground Force‘s Charlie Dimmock, who is definitely not a slag:

And that’s all the news out there.


  1. Certainly a lot of competition to assume the moron mantle relinquished by Harpy Jackson Lee, but I would nominate Hank Johnson as the front-runner. Unless Guam capsizes and he proves me wrong.

  2. AOC and the squad could put up a good fight for title of biggest moron in Congress.

    There is a reason why Kackle-A’s presidential campaign folded like a flat sheet in 2019. Not even the lunatics on the left thought she was a viable candidate. She still isn’t. Her policies are utterly dreadful and work against American strength, safety, security and prosperity. But that’s just a bonus to the lunatic left because they’ll think it’s exciting to put a black woman in office just as they were excited to put Barry Soteoro in office. Both are the epitome of post turtles.

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