Now It’s “NO Feet”?

What the hell has become of the yoot of today?  (I know, it’s a common plaint.)  Via Insty, I see this strange paradigm:

Generation Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2012, is now occupying high schools across the country, and their feet are decidedly covered.  Not only do they often prefer not to show their own feet, but they can take offense to others who do.

Bloody hell.

Yeah I know, creepy foot fetishes and all that.  (If I can be honest, I think that of all the sexual fetishes, the one for feet has to be the most harmless.)

Anyway I’m not immune to the allure of the female foot, although it’s not a particular fetish for me.  Here’s Semiaramis:

…whose feet are decidedly sexy, but then again I find her whole outfit undeniably so.

Kids need to get some perspective, and a grip.


      1. when you look at it, a hijab and niqab are not so different from what the more extreme Christian groups demand women wear and what standing they have in society.
        Including the never showing hands or feet, and always walking behind their male guardians, never seen or heard.

  1. I haven’t had any experience with the Christians that Jwenting described.

    I’d rather someone’s feet be covered in most instances. women’s sandals and beachwear get a pass in the appropriate situation. Males in flip flops outside of the beach or locker room or at home are inappropriate.

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