News Roundup

In (what else?) Political News: mean “Heels-Up Cock Socket” is incorrect?

...that’s just so nobody can suspect her when the DEI VP is suicided. the list does not put “The United States” at the very top, it can be disregarded.  Likewise, nowhere is Argentina mentioned, nor Hungary;  and the UK — under a Labour government?  That’s delusional.  So feel free to disregard the “experts”.

In Automotive News:

...and Chevy doing likewise, changing their Canucki assembly plant to making trucks rather than EVs.

In the Food & Drink Dept.:

...oooh, I can’t wait to get to my local Plano Greggs to try… errr wait a minute.

In the Hey, Teacher! Leave Those Kids Alone! Dept.: doubt, she’s going to plead Not Guilty By Reason Of Menopause.

And: about yer over-achievers.

But wait!  There’s more!

...and she’s quite a babe, too.  What IS it with these chicks?

In Showbiz News:

In Travel News:

...keyword:  Belgian.

Now for some news of The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...any bets on the national origin of said five men?  No?  Not surprising.
#North Africa

And once more unto the breach of 

...four down, four to go, apparently.  (no link because ugh)

...she being the only reason one would want to follow the EPL’s Leeds United on TV.

They could hardly do any worse than the existing DEI clowns.

And that’s all the news for today.


  1. I usually pronounce that dummy’s name as Kackle-A since that is about the only thing she does besides sputter word salad. fuck her with Bill Lover Boy Clinton’s rancid old dick. Hillary Beghazi surely isn’t using it.

    I find that most “experts” aren’t experts at all

    Porsche, Chevy and Ford are all diminishing the production of these glorified golf carts. I think Toyota might be on board with this change as well. Tesla’s stock took a tumble the other day due to lowered sales expectations or something or other. C’mon Elon, find another avenue to make millions and fund the conservative politicians

    The Emma Jones photos are nice addition to the news. As for Trump’s “Secret Service” team, please replace them with ex Rangers, SEALs, Special Forces, etc. DEI, Didn’t Earn It, is a farce.

  2. As far as Trump’s new SS detail (anyone else the least bit uncomfortable with designating the Secret Service… the SS? .. but I digress). Have we forgotten
    Charlies’ Angels? Oh, and James Bond’s cohorts? Beautiful women can be deadly. I know, these examples are fictional, but then, so was his detail on that day. Jes’ Sayin’. We could call them Trump’s Trollups….

  3. Considering Sharon Stone’s latest threat to leave the country, we should consider making this a drinking game. Whenever one of those folks who think someone actually cares whether they come or go threatens to leave, take a shot. If they’ve threatened before to leave, take a double. It could be fun!

    1. If I were Trump (which God please spare me!) I would ask Congress to pass legislation to the effect that any person attracting National attention saying “If ‘X’ happens, I’m leaving the country” shal have his citizenship/visa revoked if ‘X’ does happen. And if he or she is not over the border in 48 hours they will be given the bum’s rush; thrown across the handiest border by ICE agents.

  4. Since the early 90’s, I’ve been reading the occasional article to the effect that the incidence of molestation of students in the public schools is AT LEAST as high as it was in the Catholic Church at the very worst, and that the schools and the teachers’ unions have done as much cover-up as the Church ever did.

    One day – soon, I hope – it will break wide and with luck that will also break the teachers’ unions for good.

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