1. I was grooving on your earworm offering this morning when up popped a “gimmee money” commercial from Kamalama the Ding Dong. Not your fault, but certainly not a good way to start a Monday.

  2. So the Dems have gone from getting a blow job in the Oval Office to giving a blow job in the Oval Office.
    If the Dems pick Mayor Pete as their VP candidate, there’d be two cocksuckers in the Oval Office.

  3. Quayle is actually a sharp guy. He does not come across that way people who have worked with him were very impressed by him back when he was VP. That includes a relative of mine who is a screaming leftist and had no reason to cut him any slack.

    Remember, Quayle was the only voice in HW Bush’s administration telling him not to agree to a tax increase. If he had listened to Dan, HW would have been a 2 term POTUS.

    1. I know that; but it pisses Lefties off when you tell them that their candidate makes Quayle look smart.

  4. She slept her way into the Senate. She’s been cocked more than John Wayne’s lever action.

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