Speed Bump

…and this one isn’t grammatical.

It turns out that when local law enforcement offered the SecServ their drones to overfly the Trump rally in Butler PA, the SS (perhaps unsurprisingly) turned down the offers, repeatedly.

“According to one whistleblower, the night before the rally, U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied offers from a local law enforcement partner to utilize drone technology to secure the rally. This means that the technology was both available to USSS and able to be deployed to secure the site. Secret Service said no,” Senator Hawley wrote in a letter Thursday to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “The whistleblower further alleges that after the shooting took place, USSS changed course and asked the local partner to deploy the drone technology to surveil the site in the aftermath of the attack.”

So far, so good.  Fleeing horse, meet stable door:  standard Gummint cock-up.

Here’s what caused me to choke on my morning G&T, though:

The failure to deploy drone technology is all the more concerning since, according to the whistleblower, the drones USSS was offered had the capability not only to identify active shooters but also to help neutralize them.

Wait, WTF?  Are we to understand that the local Barney Fifes in Fucknuckle PA have drones that can take out targets?  Like what the Ukes are using on Russkis, or the CIA uses on Muzzy terrorists?

Fucking hell.  I thought Meal Team Six was bad news…

Or am I misreading the thing?


  1. You are not misreading things. Modern drones, especially in the $2K and up area, well within reach of most local LEO offices, could be set up with a number of lethal to less lethal devices which can be triggered with aim/fire control by the operator. I highly doubt they will be using explosive kamikaze or bomb drop per se, but that is well within the weight/control capability nowadays.

    I just bought a 149 dollar drone to play with, you would be amazed at what even this can do. I have not tested weight carrying capacity, but trading for time in the air it will likely carry 6 OZ easily which is the weight of the battery pack currently in it..

    The only downside is that my dog thinks it is a toy to be snatched out of the air and we also have eagles in the area. Local hazards so to speak.

  2. My tinfoil hat is safely ensconced in its custom made glass
    display case. Therefore, here goes …………………………
    Of course they refused drone coverage prior to the rally.
    Drone surveillance would created video. Either on the drone
    itself or remotely or BOTH. Can’t have that. Who know what that
    damned machine might see and RECORD ?? Then we would have
    ‘retrieve’ all of the video ( not possible if transmitted to multiple
    locations ) and worry about who saw what.
    Just sayin’. The name McGruder mean anything to you ??!!

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