News Roundup

So in we dive, to swim through the murky waters of recent events.

In Political News:

...forget it, Glenn;  they could start loading them onto trains, and these idiots would still be voting for Democrats at the Skokie El station polling booth.

...and we are surprised by this, because…?

Dispatches from the War Between The Sexes:

...yeah, in my yoot I used to try this line on recalcitrant women;  never worked.

From the Police Blotter:

...hey, it’s not like the corpus delicti was gonna need it, right?

In Medical News:


...maybe in some Socialist parallel universe.

In Nutrition News:

Speaking of the latter sports equipment, here’s a report from Paris:

...and here I thought prossies were legal in France.

...that’s just what the French refer to as “bleu”, kids.  And it’s not even boiled, either.

And in related news:

...or the U.S. could just tell the Olympic Committee to take a hike and let some shithole like Kyrgyzstan host their little spectacle instead.

And in today’s link because eeek.

...that trannie thing just isn’t working for you, Nancy, is it?

And in :

...not her normal look, mind you:

And not her usual immaculate self:

But that’s enough news for the day.


  1. Raw meat, one of the favorite food in Belgium, google “Martino Sandwich” or “Américain Frite” ( and I have no idea why they call it “Américain”)
    as an aside it is probably the most sanitary controled food for obvious reason.

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