The Southern Africa Overview

Doc Russia sent me this essay and asked me whether I thought it accurate.  It is, 100%.  Read it for yourself.

Choice excerpt:

This didn’t have to be the way colonization ended in southern Africa. The evil of apartheid could have been done away without putting murderous thugs in charge. Rhodesia could have remained a democracy rather than becoming a brutal dictatorship known for its genocidal campaign against white farmers and a rival African ethnic group. South Africa could be a functional country rather than an anarcho-tyranny-ridden hellhole where thugs murder, rape, and steal from the Boers with impunity as the country’s infrastructure collapses and its economy follows Zimbabwe’s down the drain. But, thanks in no small part to US foreign policy, the worst-case scenario is exactly what happened. And now crosses symbolizing the murders of white farmers line the roads of South Africa by the thousands.

Ask me again why I left.  And why no Democrat should ever, ever have access to U.S. foreign policy.


  1. Culture? Tradition? Tribalism? Genetics?
    I don’t know why, but for whatever reason, anywhere, worldwide, where blacks take over and run a country, decay, political and business corruption, violence, disease and death seem to follow.

    1. Low IQ (average sub-Saharan African IQ is approximately 70, a level which is classified as functionally retarded), lack of impulse control, and low future-time orientation. They are among the most proven facts in the social sciences.

  2. Kim, I respect you, but you have a blind spot on this issue. I think it’s because you were an anti-Apartheid activist and hate like hell to admit that you were wrong.

    Whenever I see someone saying, “Apartheid needed to end, but it didn’t have to be this way,” I have one question. HOW COULD IT HAVE ENDED ANY OTHER WAY? Were you planning to give blacks an additional 30 IQ points? Genetically engineer them to suddenly have better impulse control and future-time orientation? Genetically breed out their naturally violent tendencies?

    Apartheid was a common-sense solution of having two different types of beings occupying the same space. Sub-Saharan Africans cannot coexist peacefully and productively with Whites. Not now, not ever. Whites built a great country out of a desolate area, and as soon as there was prosperity, blacks began coming in. Whites, realizing that their nice country would be degraded and destroyed if the black majority had power, came up with a policy that allowed them to build the only real first-world country on the African continent. And then it was destroyed – not because the USA “backed the wrong blacks,” but because the USA (along with other White countries) applied economic pressure to end Apartheid. Everything else that has happened would have happened – in Rhodesia and in South Africa.

    The parallel to this article is what we see in the USA – whenever blacks gain political power in our country, they abuse it and destroy their sphere of influence. And cuckservatives wail about “Democrat rule,” and “welfare-state policies,” when in reality it’s just blacks doing what blacks do anywhere on the globe when they get into power.

    To put it simply: if a black man finds something, and he can’t eat it or fuck it, he’s going to steal it, destroy it, or kill it. It’s who they are. They are but primitive savages. You can put them in a coat and tie, but they’re well-dressed primitive savages.

    “But, but, what about Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, etc.?” Simple answer. They are the far, far right of the bell curve of African intellect. The one in a million. And, were Clarence Thomas in Africa, his own people would kill him and eat him.

    Apartheid was the same thing as Jim Crow in the United States. It was a recognition that White people build nice things and like to have nice things, and you can’t have nice things if blacks have equal participation in society. Whatever remnants of nice things are in Africa have been put there by Whites, and haven’t been destroyed yet.

    They will, eventually, kill every White person on that continent. It’s only a matter of time. They’re too stupid to recognize that it is those Whites who feed them and keep the lights on. And when they run out of Whites, they’ll kill each other (as they do already).

    You yourself have said, “Let Africa sink.” There are only two solutions for Africa:

    1. Reimpose colonial rule with continent-wide Apartheid. As authoritative as necessary. Preserve civilization for Whites where it can be maintained, and let the blacks be the tribal savages that they are, at a safe distance from Whites and the societies they build.

    2. REALLY let Africa sink. Remove every White person from Africa (or at least offer to resettle every White to a more civilized place; those who choose to stay are on their own). Remove all White aid and assistance. No more Doctors Without Borders, no more food aid, nothing. Let them root, hog, or die. Blockade all routes of emigration while you’re at it. Let them create Wakanda – or not.

    Anything other than those two options is futile. Sorry, Kim, you’re dead wrong about Apartheid, and the last 30 years have proven it. If you believe I’m wrong, I respect you and I respect that – but please, explain how it could go different. And live in the real world when you do – don’t imbue blacks with characteristics that they don’t possess.

    1. It is a terrible thing to bump up against the truth; but, for the life of me, I can’t think of a countervailing argument. Let he who has one, make it.

    2. Skep, that’s not quite the case.

      Yes, I hated the apartheid system. But I also knew that when it went away, the result was going to be awful — all one had to do was look to the countries north of the Limpopo to see the inevitability thereof.

      Which is why I left.

      The problem with apartheid (apart from the humanitarian thing) is that it was ALWAYS doomed to failure, just as European colonialism (British, Dutch, French, German whatever) in the rest of Africa was never going to work either. Ultimately, Africa ALWAYS wins.

      My biggest mistake, by the way, was in timing. I thought that what we are seeing today would actually begin as soon as the ANC came to power. I’m amazed that it’s taken over thirty years to get to this point.

      1. Then I misunderstood you, and I apologize for misrepresenting your viewpoint.

        I would only add this: I genuinely believe that, absent external pressure, apartheid could still be going today.

  3. It was inevitable with the end of apartheid and the imposition of black majority rule.

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