News Roundup

As used by our best punk wannabe-assassins.

...just wait till after Inauguration Day, assholes.

...not a good couple of days for the Communists, was it?

Trump Picks Novelist As VP
...I was asked, but had to decline because ineligible.
#U.S.Constitution #ArticleIISection1 me, I’d call that a “target-rich” environmentI can’t believe the LGBTOSTFU and GLAAD crowd missed the show.  No doubt, Soros has scheduled them for tomorrow.

...can’t see why, they still have all those fraudulent ballots waiting to be counted.

...why should they change it?  The previous one worked out SO well.

...can’t imagine why.

...ya think, fuckwit?

On to some International News:

...gooder and harder, Izzies I’d forgotten all about the Paleos.

...let’s not forget our old stand-by, Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©.

...even for Africa, that’s an over-achiever.

...oh yeah;  almost forgot about those assholes too.

And back home:

...keyword:  Brooklyn.

And for some truly perplexing 

  ...sorry; I just can’t.

...ah yes, Elle;  still a skinnymalink after all these years.

I think we’ve covered the news (barely) adequately.

Speed Bump #867

“A NASA astronaut captured eerie glowing lights hanging in Earth’s atmosphere while aboard the ISS, revealing a rare phenomena that happens 50 miles above the surface.”

One phenomenon, two phenomena.

Does anyone check grammar at the Daily Mail  nowadays?

Of Course They Would

Uh huh.

Now let’s ask the three really BIG questions:

How did this scrote climb up to so close a shooting position without someone from the Secret Service seeing him?

Why weren’t ALL the potential shooting positions already occupied by law enforcement?

One thing’s for sure:  it was a huge security cockup (as this guy explains here), and it’s only by great good fortune that this wasn’t an enormous tragedy.

And finally, the political question:

Why did Democrat politicians try to strip Trump of his ENTIRE Secret Service protection detail a month or so ago??


This little snippet has been making the rounds, wherein the Communist Media has been worrying not about an assassination attempt on a Presidential candidate, but about all the “Rightwing retaliatory violence” that could (note: could ) ensue.

Now far be it for me to fan the flames here, but even if we did want to visit a little righteous vengeance on our local Communist cadres, we are at a distinct disadvantage.

You see, the Commies really have only one target to concentrate on — Trump — whereas we BitterclingerRightwingTrumpistaDeplorables have what could charitably be called an embarrassment of riches.  I mean, where would we begin?

Forget Biden;  he’s on Nature’s Death Row already, and his VP is about as consequential (and as useful) as a fly buzzing around a dog turd.

Soros pére et fils ?  Tempting… but not immediately political.

Among the Democrat Politburo, there’s a huge choice, but they’re pretty much the Usual Suspects:  Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Blumenthal, Cantwell, Gillibrand, Markey… and that’s just the Senate.

As for the House, there’s a serious argument to be made in favor of the so-called “Squad” (especially the radical Afro-Muzzies), but honestly?  AOC is more fun as comedy relief, whereas her successor might not be,

Of geographic interest are the various Blue State governors:  Newsom (CA), Whitmer (MI), Pritzker (IL), Hochul (NY), Inslee (WA), Kotek (OR), Healey (MA) and so on.  I’m sure there would be a lot of local support for their removal, but even taken collectively, none could be considered as as much a figurehead as is DJT.

And forget the Supreme Court twerps like the Wise Latina;  not that important, in the grand scheme of things, especially as our next president will appoint decent alternatives once they too fall prey to the Grim Reaper.

So with all those choices, it’s more of a Hydra-headed situation.  Which means it isn’t gonna happen — because we don’t do that kind of thing;  we still express our displeasure (so far) through the ballot box.

Although I bet the Communist media would love us to change that.  (Ain’t gonna happen.)

For the Alphabet Agencies who might be showing an interest here:  fuck you, I’m trying to make a joke of what is actually a deadly serious business.  My suggestion for them:  concentrate on the real dangers:  you know, Antifa, BLM and Known Assholes etc. who have already shown themselves to be prone to violence.

Because FYI:  the next shooter isn’t going to be a Catholic homeschooling mom.

Monday Funnies

So let’s spice up the dreadful morning with a few items of (predictably) questionable taste.

And on a similar topic:

Okay, that’s enough political stuff.  Let’s go deeper:

Some things that do have periods:

And on that bloody note, I’ll send you off into the week.

Classic Beauty: Martha Hyer

Hmmmm another Texas girl, this time Fort Worth’s Martha Hyer, the impossibly-beautiful ice-cold blonde actress whose career spanned the late 1940s through the late 1960s.

Yeah, for the Safety Nazis complaining about the finger on the trigger:  relax, Francis.  It’s a single-action un-cocked revolver.

Anyway, someone that beautiful can hold a gun any damn way she wants.