Today’s Earworm

Open invitation, baby.

Okay, I have to talk about this a little, so please indulge me.  Santana’s Inner Secrets  album is easily one of the albums of the decade — its own decade, hell, any decade — and our band got into this album more than any other except for maybe Abraxus.  (As I recall, we played four songs off Inner SecretsStormy, One Chain, Open Invitation and Well Alright, and we killed them.)

Anyway, the other day I popped this into the WhatsApp group the surviving band members have put together, and the reaction was immediate, both inside the chat group and in private messages thereafter.

And to a man, we all missed Kevin, because in a couple of songs, at a couple of gigs, he blew Carlos’s doors off.  Purple patches, baby.

Health Update

No, I haven’t been able to shake off this little (ahem) cough that has kept both me and New Wife from sleeping for over a week.

So last night:  desperate measures.  I cut my throat went to the local ER place, was given steroids, various stout cough suppressants and a “Z-pack” (antibiotics) which knocked me out…

…until 4 this morning, when I woke up coughing, and of course waking up New Wife as well.

So I took MOAR DRUGS and went to the living room to write this.  I should be okay by the weekend, but that’s what I thought before last weekend.

We shall see.

Worst part is that I had to curtail my range activities lest I alarm a dozen heavily-armed men with my gut-wrenching, organ-expelling coughs.  Tomorrow, I’ll talk about what I’d planned to shoot .  Right now, it’s back to bed.


Quite So

From the big brains at Gatestone:

It apparently never occurred to either the heads of the UN or the EU to consider that if you are a terrorist organization that commits war crimes, you do not get to choose how a war that you started is waged against you.

If you do not want a “bloodbath,” do not take hostages, hide them among civilians, try to prevent a rescue, then if they are rescued, profess shock at the fallout that you yourself have teed up.

I call this the “Dresden/Hiroshima” rationale:  you fucking started it, now you have to deal with the consequences.

It’s probably a Good Thing that the Izzies, for some reason, are reluctant just to exterminate every single one of these cockroaches south of their border.  (I remain unconvinced, but whatever.)

We know that said cockroaches, if they had the power, would show no such squeamishness.  “From the river to the sea”, remember?

Israel is walking a very delicate line here, often at the expense of its own troops and civilians, and should be commended rather than excoriated.  But of course the anti-Semites / Palsymps at the UN and EU don’t see it that way — which is why we ourselves need to inflict a little diaspora action on the United Nations, and disengagement from NATO.

They fucking started it.


As someone who’s been involved in marketing and advertising for pretty much most of his adult life, I am generally immune to clever-pants packaging and advertising.

But I saw this set of erasers at the Sooper-Seekrit Mailbox Place the other day, and just had to buy them even though I have no need of any such thing anymore:

I actually chuckled when reading them — and if I knew Britney Spears’s home address, I’d send her the “oops” one.

Making you buy something you don’t really need just because the message is irresistible:   fundamentally, the sign of excellent marketing.