1. …and then, suddenly, Wally’s Chicom AK disappeared and left a hole in the lineup. Father Schultz shrugged, and moved on.

  2. After several of the faithful complained about “rust”, Father Stanislaus used Holy Ballistol instead.

  3. Government Waste Saga #11,467:
    Father McDougal tests TSA’s latest long gun detector in a secret FBI lab near Quantico.

  4. Father Maguire was shown his flock’s armory before being allowed to meet the altar boys

      1. I survived being an altar boy and attending a Christian Brothers School in the 70’s/80’s. There is no cynicism left.

  5. The annual Blessing of the Firearms. “Lord grant that these firearms be used righteously against the wicked and the enemies of America, and that they shall snuff it.”

    Lovely classical reference RainGeek!

  6. As Pope Pius the Twelfth excommunicated all communists from the Catholic church, may the new order of Priests, The Possentis, go forth to cleanse the land of their influence. VIVA CHRISTO REY! DEUS VULT!

  7. Let us pray. Deign Thou to + bless this sword, we ask Thee, Lord; and with the guard of Thy holiness defend this Thy servant, who at Thy inspiration desires to receive it, and keep him from every harm. Through Christ, our Lord. R. Amen.

    The bishop sprinkles the sword with holy water, then hands it to the person who
    is to receive it as the latter kneels before him, saying:

    Receive this sword, in the name of the Fa+ther, the + Son and the Holy + Ghost, and may thou use it for thy defense, and that of the Holy Church of God, and to the confounding of the enemies of the Cross of Christ, and of the Christian faith: and as far as human frailty shall permit, may thou harm no one with it unjustly. And may He deign to grant this to thee, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost, etc.

    From the Clementine Pontificale, AD 1595. Which in Catholic reckoning, is just yesterday. Still valid.

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