Bombs Away

I can earnestly recommend Lord HardThrasher’s series on the Allied bombing campaign in WWII Europe.  (He sounds exactly like Mr. Free Market would sound, if Mr. FM could be arsed to do a show about the military.)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

He spares nobody, and I mean nobody.  (Ignore the occasional anti-Trump digs;  he’s just swinging his saber indiscriminately.)  He is, of course, especially scornful of the Nazis.


Greatest Living English Historian?  I report, you decide.

One comment

  1. I’d say he eats a plateful of shit for breakfast every morning and tops it off with a bottle of Tabasco, but Jenkins has done his research, particularly on the fighting in the ranks. He glosses over a heck of a lot and is often blatantly wrong. He more than makes up for this by being thoroughly entertaining.

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