1. Do you feel like you are trapped in a never ending freak show loop? Remember, you can reach right out and hit that button on the monitor and the freak show disappears. Ahhhh…back to realityland.

  2. Putin is going to laugh at Kamala. So is the rest of the world.

    I sometimes wonder if Kamala watched too many Batman movies and wants to be the female version of the joker. That cackle.

  3. …Fortunately, we’re never going to find that out…

    I wouldn’t count those chickens just yet. It’s been nearly 3 weeks since they nuked Brandon, and she hasn’t been asked a single question by any journalist sycophant. Off the cuff and extemporaneous is when she’s at her most cringe and unlikeable. If they chain her black ass to a teleprompter they have a decent chance of remaking her image, especially with the media bootlicking commies cheering her on every step of the way.

    They can absolutely win in November. The same lemmings who voted for Brandon will be delighted to jump off that same cliff this time around.

    The people are the problem.

    1. you’re right. Never count your chickens until they hatch. The Big Poll is in NOvember and that’s when they’ll execute more of their dirty tricks. Democrats lie constantly. even when they surrender they are lying

      1. If the election was legit it would be close but I think Trump would pull off the win

        Problem is many freeloaders in society and do gooders who had a great economy under Trump but believe in the whole orange man mean Orange man bad bullshit.

        Trump isn’t perfect and he’s fucked up some things but he’s the best choice by far compared to others.

        The final straw / wild card is what shenanigans will be pulled this time in the election. Truck loads of ballets again after 230 am? Another China virus of some kind? Telling people who are registered conservatives that they already voted by mail when they show up on Election Day to vote? Some other scams?

        As I said in another post, grab the popcorn.

        I agree with JQ. We hope trump wins. But us working stiffs might end up getting butt fucked even harder than in 2020. Raw dog no lube.

    2. “…. If they chain her black ass…”
      The new/invented kam is ‘black’.
      The prior kam was hindoo.
      At her best, kam might ‘pass’ as mulatto.
      At her worst, kam is a manipulatable half-wit.
      I am going to risk a prediction:
      * President Putin and the chinese are not quaking in fearful anticipation.

    1. I saw that. Any many others like it. She’s fucking stupid. But the liberals don’t want a guy with a big mouth who fixes shit.

      They want a black vagina with a D (democrat) next to her name that virtue signals and laughs and looks likable to stupid ass morons who drink the koolaid.

      Anyone hear any actual qualifications this cunt has lately?

      Mostly what I’m hearing is how she is a black vagina. Cuz that’s really the way to pick a leader, the color of their skin and the type of genitals they have

      This country is full of fucking retards. Us working stiffs are surrounded by utter stupidity.

      1. she was a DA in San Francisco who sent many people to jail for the devil’s lettuce while it is very likely that she imbibed in the junk as well. She denied evidence to a defense attorney to get their client off of death row and she played a part in keeping people in prison beyond their sentences in order to provide cheap labor. She slept with Willie Brown to advance her career. That’s her entire list of accomplishments that I have heard.

        MLK Jr told us to judge not on the color of skin but on the content of people’s character. Well, now I see the Democrat party ignoring MLK’s advice and choosing people solely on their demographic information. It’s disgusting and appalling.

        Kackle-A Harris and Weird Tim Walz have no business in any position of responsibility. Even cleaning a dog park would require lots of supervision for them. Too bad AOC won her primary. One of her Squad didn’t make the cut and she’s throwing a tantrum.

  4. Agree with Slant & JQ as well –
    Don’t bet the farm that the left will loose !!
    So far, IMHO they have tried assassination on at least ONE
    occasion, that WE KNOW about !
    Now just what ‘activities’ do you think that they would NOT use
    to keep Donald Trump from winning ??
    I can’t think of any. I think they can and will use ANYTHING they
    think just might work !

    1. Plus let’s never forget the Republican’s amazing talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

      1. One thing we can learn from democrats is no matter if they have a good or bad candidate (usually bad) the democrats stick behind that person.
        Biden and Harris. The party sticks with them

        With the republicans, you have RINO’s who love to stir the pot and not be helpful to the party. Fat boy Chris Christie comes to mind among others.

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