
Our economy is sick.  I’d spend a lot more time doing an in-depth analysis, but I don’t think it’s necessary because the signs are all there for anyone to see:  high inflation, high unemployment — both shielded behind the usual lies and statistical sleight-of-hand tricks — and let’s be honest, the flood of illegal immigrants is not helping matters. The housing market is circling the bowl.  Add massive overspending being subsidized by money-printing by the federal government, and it doesn’t take an idiot to see that there’s a reckoning a-coming.

Small wonder, then, that the money boys have taken notice:

Wall Street nosedived on Monday, as fears of the United States tipping into recession following weak economic data last week rippled through global markets.

The bloodbath began in Japan as the blue-chip Nikkei index saw its biggest one-day rout, plunging 12.4%, since the infamous Black Monday meltdown in 1987.

It soon cascaded to the US on the heels of Friday’s troubling jobs report and growing concern that the Federal Reserve was moving too slow in cutting decades-high interest rates.

The Dow Jones Industrial Index plunged more than 1,033 points, capping a drop of nearly 10% since hitting a near-record 41,183 last Wednesday afternoon when Fed Chair Jerome Powell hinted that rate cuts were “on the table” for September.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq slid 3.4% as Apple, Nvidia and the other so-called Magnificent Seven companies that used to be the stars of the stock market continued to wilt.

I don’t have to say that electing a socialist president and vice-president in November will not help anything — in fact, that could be the tipping point into a black swan scenario.

Frankly, I’m not even sure that President Trump Part II will help matters, although it could make the stock market rebound a bit.  Our economic problems, however, go far deeper than the stock market, which is driven by institutional investment and the wealthy anyway.  They would be largely inured from economic collapse;  but the rest of us?  Draw your won conclusions.

I’m assuming that all my Readers have emergency supplies and -contingency plans laid in, because the next few months are not going to be pretty.


  1. I do not know if we will be able to recover from Obummer’s third term. I do know we will not survive his fourth term.

  2. My wife and I are our own country. An island in a sea of turmoil, criminality, and deception. Intelligent people that have been paying attention are similar. We aren’t going down with the ship.

  3. The entire country is in trouble.
    Basically this is a very high level overview

    1 – too many people on the take who don’t contribute. Useless eaters. People under 65 on welfare of some kind (free housing , food, phones , internet , college etc) many of whom are able bodied and able minded but refuse to work other than voting democrat every election.

    2. The country has been invaded by criminal illegals. The democrats and even a handful of republicans are ok with this because the illegals are supported by the working peoples taxes and the politicians that support this bullshit can stay in power.

    Basically between 1 and 2 the working people following the rules are outnumbered

    3. The politicians are violating citizens rights and taking too many taxes, and violating the 1st and 2nd amendment among others. “Hate speech” is free speech. We don’t have a first amendment so you can say hey hello have a good day. Of course you can offend someone. But the libtards and rinos don’t think so. Once you start to undo the bill of rights that’s the beginning of losing a free society.

    4. I know many people 60 and up who worked are going to hate me for this – but social security is and always was a Ponzi scheme. Period. Bernie Madoff and the US govt did the same thing. Take money from people today and then give them someone else’s money tomorrow. Problem is you have to keep finding the next sucker. And also hope that the next sucker pays more than the previous sucker so you can pay someone “interest”.
    FDR and the new deal dems knew this when they started this scam and they also knew they would be long gone when the program went tits up. Well the program is going tits up soon.
    It’s not possible to get more than you put into a non investment. Social security needs to be stopped and let anyone under 60 get their money to invest in their own. People over 60 should get a check for exactly what they paid into the program not a dime more.

    5. The politicians and liberals don’t want “equality” they want total control. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking moron.

    Icing on the cake – I’m personally gonna laugh at the many shitheads in society that start losing material possessions like houses and cars when the next recession hits. Many idiots lived large especially during Covid but many even before buying $ 100,000 dollar vehicles, 500,000 dollar homes and all kinds of expensive shit on credit while they “worked” from home getting paid lots of Monopoly money from their company printed up by the US govt. when this all goes bust many people will blame whoever is in power at that moment (maybe trump) even though it was the socialists and even peoples own stupid lazy selfish decisions that got them to the situation to begin with.

    Grab the popcorn. This show is gonna get interesting.

    1. you’re absolutely right about the above and the animals.

      I’ve found Jack Spirko’s podcast “the Survival Podcast” to be pretty good. haven’t listened to him in a while though

    2. ” I know many people 60 and up who worked are going to hate me for this – but social security is and always was a Ponzi scheme. ”
      I agree and I am very dependent on SS. I am 72 and in good health for my age and have two engineering degrees. I am still applying for good paying jobs in chemical engineering and electrical engineering. If successful I will work for another five years full time if I can. If not and the SS Ponzi scheme blows up I don’t know what I can do. I only have enough guns and ammo to fight a small war, so I do need more ammo.

  4. The only one thing I will be sad about when the economy turns to shit is all of the animals (cats dogs etc) that will be rehomed, given up or even abandoned.

    Not all but many Americans live large and don’t budget for or put money away for their pets. Pets are a part of your family.

    So many shelters are over run and sometimes people move to new places that don’t accept pets which is fucked up. (Tell me the logic in accepting criminal illegals Aliens but saying no to someone’s pet)

    And lately I’ve seen so many articles in the news near me about people abandoning innocent animals.

    People that do this are fucking scumbags.

  5. Hard times produce strong men.
    Strong men produce good times.
    Good times produce weak men.
    Weak men produce hard times <– you are here.

    The big question is are the hard times that are on our doorstep hard enough to ruin us, or will we survive. At this stage considering the house of cards we created, I wouldn't put money on America surviving.

    I think we're going to have to ride this one out until the strong men come along and start insisting our culture take its medicine. And no, I don't believe Donald Trump to be a particularly strong man. He's definitely stronger than the OG Hawk Tua girl, but that's a bit like being valedictorian of summer school.

  6. The financial situation is just a small part of the cauldron’s brew. If (I sure hope) Trump and Vance win be prepared for the social upheaval. If you have paid attn to the UK situation, our riots (by the commies of course) will be 10X. It will devolve into pure civil war II. No predicting the duration or the outcome.

  7. *** delete after reading ***
    “…but the rest of us? Draw your won conclusions…”

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