1. At the game:

      My girl: “I’m hungry. Can you get me something to eat?”

      Me: “What would you like?”

      My girl: I dunno. You know what I like to eat.”

      Me: Okay…

  1. The only item on the menu at Kamala Harris’s latest rally. Available with and without mayo.

  2. Suddenly, after Wimbledon went from Russian caviar and champagne from the Ukraine to some type of appalling ‘common’ fast-food from the New World colonies, attendance dropped precipitously… then tapered off to just about zero in response to their lavender upholstery!

  3. Lang und schmal: Frauenqual. (long and slim. womens torture)
    Kurz und dick: Frauenglück. (short and thick: womens bliss)

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