I’m so old I can even remember that horrible shit. (The toothpaste, not the women.)
And speaking of unspeakable women:
...methinks you need to go easy on that breakfast wine, Nancy.
In Election News:
...I was hoping she’d pick ILGov Fatboi Pritzker, just for the comedy value. But this Minnesoduh Commie will do just as well.
...somebody remind me again: by how much was Hillary Clinton leading Trump at this point in 2016?
From mostly-peaceful Britishland:
...yeah, good luck with that. Ask the Aussies how that worked out for them.
...but those anti-Israeli “From the river to the sea” rioters? Anyone been jailed for those yet? Asking for a friend.
And in Health News:
From the Africa Wins Again news desk:
...key statement: “Some equipment from Air Base 201 was shipped out, such as weaponry, but other equipment was left behind.” Of course it was. We have so much shit we can just throw it away.
...and in an email Reader Mike S. asks, quite reasonably: “What fucking moron builds a resort hotel in Somalia?”
From the Dept of Education:
...pedo orgs have a hierachy? Who knew? Also: this time it’s not a female teacher. Amazing.
In Showbiz News:
...well, at least he’s half-right, which in Hollywood isn’t bad. Of course, to them he’s half-right, too — just not on which one.
And in the obligatory EVERYBODY PANIC!!!! section:
...Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©: is there anything it CAN’T do?
And now your favorite section, that of link-free
...wives? and:
…WTF is a “situationship”?
...not going to go there — unless, of course, she’s got Jeffrey Epstein’s client list.
...well now, let’s take a look at this alleged miscreant:
If she’s Colombian, why is she holding up a Swedish flag? Nemmind:
And that can wash that news right out of our hair.
A situtationship is “a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established.”
In re: Swedish flag — that woman looks nothing like the Paraguayan swimmer, so methinks it’s a a Swedish model or something.
Kamala leads Donald in polls: It’s time to accept that Trump will never be re-elected. His campaign is based on being hateful. Not many people want to be governed by a malicious president. In effect, Harris lives rent-free inside his head. On top of that his trade policies are imbecilic and will cost every American a lot of money. And as soon as anyone with expertise tries to give him helpful advice, his response is “You’re fired!” Politics is about being political, and he’s totally inept. Add the eleven million illegal voters and the ballot-stuffing and his chances are nil.
Vaughn: Drugs should be legal. They tried that in LA, San Fran and Portland and the experiment didn’t work out.
I have been saying that for years.
Mt. Rushmore Biden —
He’s there already, right below Teddy Roosevelt. You just have root around a bit to find the right chunk of waste gravel.
A statue of Biden can’t be carved out of the rock of Mt. Rushmore. It has to be made from a ton or so of bull shit.
Never heard of Vanessa Feltz or Linda Robson. I wish I’d never heard of Lizzo.
Luana Alonso looks like a swimmer from the neck down, but completely fake from the neck up.
Mike S might also reasonably have asked “What fucking moron goes to a resort hotel in Somalia?”
Besides, the guy who built it did it with some Somalian government money, added to a lot of American and European government money plus a lot of charitable trust money from all over. And he pocketed somewhere between 70% and 80% of that grand total and took it to Switzerland. So, not to crazy after all.
I came here to say that about the resort in Somalia; thanks for the info on the financing.
Of course Kamala HAS to lead Trump in the polls; otherwise the evildoers won’t be able to sell the steal in November.
Re: The Nigerian Air Force Base: Should have left them nothing but scorched earth. I understand the Brits did exactly that in a similar situation. Thirty minutes before turnover, they used the base for targeting in a naval gunnery exercise.
I think there was one African colony that when either the French or the Portuguese left, they took everything they could, tables, chairs, desks, doors, telephones, switching centers, even wire.
Scorched earth and rubble sounds pretty good, too.
Should have happened in Afghanistan, too, but considering the Commander-in-Chief at the time . . .
So what’s the straight scoop on this guy Camel O’Hara? Was he supposed to have been brought up back in the hood, or down on the rez? Or is the Jamaica thing right? I used to hang out in a place on Archer Ave, back when the snake charmers were first starting to move in. Maybe that’s it.
Asking for my friend, Pamela Arris.