1. The second one (2) – it’s the only one that aroused my curiosity, coupled with having lived in and/or visited places similar to all the rest. Unaccustomed as I am to taking dream vacations on top of rocks, I can only hope that this is not diabolical personality test by Dr Kim, but a real place where hermits and chronic depressives go for some expensive down-time.

  2. 8
    I wanna get in that water right now!

    Then, sit right on the sand and eat 2 large lobster tails while the garlic budda drips all over my chest and I chase em blue alchoholic beverages.

  3. #4… but only if it’s not in winter. A cabin on a lake is my dream retirement, but I HATE the cold!

    If it has to be as portrayed in the picture, then #6. I’d love to go back to Italy!

  4. 5. Being a cranky old man these days, I’d take my walker out under that tree, sit in the shade and sunshine, drink some 12 y.o. whiskey, and thank the Good Lord for bringing me to that place.

  5. No. 4 … but it HAS to be mid-winter.

    Where I live, we don’t have snow or ice, and frankly, I crave it. (Just lurved Kennybunkport in winter.)

  6. That would be a hard choice. 1, 2, and 9 don’t interest me. I agree with Raptor on 4. If I could go in summer, that would be my pick, but I hate cold. And if it must be as and when photographed, I’d say 6, but I’d be happy to just put the ones I haven’t ruled out in a hat and take whatever chance draws out.

  7. #3
    When I travel I like urban destinations because I’m lucky enough to live in Calgary Canada with lots of outdoor country and wilderness opportunities for hunting, fishing, hiking, skiing and all manner of outdoors fun in all of badlands, prairie, foothills and mountain environments.

    But this place is low on high quality urban food and drink, entertainment, museums, art, theatre, architecture etc. We don’t have enough people or history yet. No big deal, the outdoors mostly makes up for it, but if I travel, I don’t need more outdoors.

  8. #9 with all license and tag fees included.
    My wife wouldn’t want to go so I would take my new 416 instead.

  9. #3. I’m solo so there’s got to be lots of things to see.

    #6 is a close second.

    #5 is, of course, rather close to home.

  10. All expenses paid? Does that include all the food and drink I would consume during the vacation? If yes, then #3 or #6. I am reaching a point where I can’t do much physically, so I would have to settle mostly for picking a spot where I can sit, drink coffee, and watch the world go by. As interesting as the ranger station looks, they would have use a helo to get my butt on top of that mountain.

  11. #3. It looks like an Austrian or Swiss version of Amsterdam. A few miles from there you could probably find a spot to be alone and admire the view, or you could hop a train or rent a car and be in the middle of a good sized city in a couple of hours. Aaaaah. Gotta renew my passport.

  12. I could probably get by with 2,4,5. Wife would want beach. Candidly, getting to an age where if the place was stocked with nubile young women, it wouldn’t matter.

  13. As silly as it seems I have to admit that I’d go for #4. I grew up in the snow country and after lots of 100 degree summers I think that I’d enjoy a little cold weather again. I wouldn’t have to get out and go to work – I don’t do that at my age anyway – and I could just sit in front of the fire, enjoy some good coffee in the morning and a drop or three of the good stuff in the evening. If the season was right I might even find a suicidal deer and if not I wouldn’t care.

  14. 9 feels like Africa, is my all expenses paid include trophy fees and a professional hunter/guide?

    1. wered,
      “I have no iinterest in hunting animals.”
      At a Sportsman’s Expo, at a booth for Tanzania or Rhodesia, the two gents never blinked as I said that.
      Their quiet reply:
      * “We also offer photography tours…”
      I followed with “But what is the season on poachers?”
      Their enthusiastic response… mirrored by a few dozen folks passing by:
      * “Year ’round!”

  15. 1 Hawaii or maybe Jamaca — nope hi rise hotels in the distance — too many people

    2 Fire tower MT Baker WA Nope 2 hour hike to get water

    3 France. Well maybe but still FRANCE.

    4 UP Michigan Nope — Have you been to the UP in Winter?

    5 England — Tempting

    6 Lake Como All expensises Paid?? Ok but George Clooney

    7 Zell em Zee – Austria Porsche Home town – Been there

    9 Tanzania Mt Kilimanjaro — Been there, done that

    10. St Lucia — Windwards – Been there, done that

    8. Muldives Indian Ocean OK — finally a place on the “Gotta go there list.

      1. UP // Sweden — only difference is Sweden has more Mountains – and there are possibly more Swedes in the UP.

  16. 8, but mainly because I recognize it as the Bora Bora four seasons and I know can make the “all expenses” worth it.
    (I don’t know it from experience but from the incessant ads from Amex.)

  17. Mark me down as a bore, but none of them look like there would be interesting old bookshops nearby.

  18. Came to #8 and stopped. Figured I’d love to go back to someplace like that such as Borneo or Maldives. Had so much fun in both places but then got to #9 and that was it. Back to Kenya and Tanzania is what I’d pick, hands down. Wouldn’t even have to do a hunt except for the camera. Seeing the animals again would be amazing with a little side trip to Victoria Falls.

  19. I guess any warm water locations so I could charter a boat and do some fishing.

    #2 too much climbing
    #4 too cold. A snowshoe hike can be fun but at my age the cold is starting to bother me
    #5 right season, it looks like a pretty area. Shoot pheasants then to the pub for lunch and a pint
    #9 safari with tags and gear included? quite possibly

    1. I’m old for much walking. How about a riding tour, using Cat D11’s, from the river to the sea?

  20. I would lean toward 4, but, my wife would be much happier with 5 and it’s a close second for me, so, 5 it is.

  21. #9 if it comes with the tags. I’m okay on equipment – I’m left handed and bought 375 H&H at $1.30.

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