1. Yes, I came here to recommend “Twice the gin, half the tonic.”
      Also, I see no sidearm; s”…swinging that shotgun in tight quarters” and all that.

      1. I thought that was a double rifle considering the rest of the gear. Proper sidearm for that set up would be an original Webley Mark VI in .455 Webley. Considering the WWI shortage of Webleys, a S&W N frame in .455 Webley would also be acceptable.

        1. I’m not that old-fashioned. Colt Single-Action Army in .45 Colt — yeah, the hell with tradition.

          I know: “Who are you and what have you done with Kim?”

  1. how much will the bounty be on the commies? Maybe I can put out some free vegan burgers and hunt over bait. Some sort of SNAP type benefit might work too. Using work boots as bait is no bueno

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