Just Sayin’

In response to this kind of nonsense:

My own personal policy is that if someone, anyone, starts shooting at me from the street when I’m sitting peaceably on my porch, I return fire, with interest (a.k.a. “massive retaliation”).

And just in case I haven’t been clear enough:  I don’t own a stupid paintball gun.

I can’t see it happening in Texas, mind you, mostly because I believe that more than a few Texans are of similar inclination.  And our cops aren’t that stupid. (“You want us to do whut?”)


  1. If memory serves the police response to civilians using paintball guns would be real guns.

  2. Was using paintball guns on the people the “war” Tim Walz claimed he served in? The war against the people. Fucking asshole.

    I notice there are a small handful of veterans in politics that violate their oath to the constitution. Gun grabbers who also violated other rights of citizens during the Chi Com virus. (Chinese Communist as Rush Limbaugh used to say). Tim Walz is one of these fucking scumbags. Oath breaking communist cock sucker. This dude visited China many times too. Probably learning the ways of communism from the mother land.

    Tim Walz has shown that he believes we the people are beneath him and are simply subjects in his eyes to steal tax money from and give unconstitutional orders.

    I highly doubt the founding fathers of the USA said that the constitution didn’t matter if people got sick. I must have missed that part of the constitution that stated “this document is null and void if a pandemic happens”.

    Side note – the thugs with badges (the members of the police forces that broke their oath during Covid) were not only oath breakers but very stupid – because if there were a deadly virus that is really dangerous to all that got it – why would you get near and close to someone on purpose to write them tickets or arrest them for not wearing a mask or people out past a curfew.

    And on the curfew – does the virus come out more at night?

    About being on your own porch – you would be in the house with your family – what is the issue with being on your porch.

    It was ok to go to a big box large retail chain and shop, but many mom and pop small businesses were told to close. If the small businesses refused thugs with badges showed up. Because you know that the chi com virus is so deadly you can’t go to do business with a local mom and pop store but you can risk your life for a box of screws or a dozen eggs at the big box stores.

    My point here is, not only was it unconstitutional to tell people to wear masks, obey a curfew, and stay inside, it also defied common sense and logic.

    Lastly, with regard to paintballs being shot at people. Paintballs are “less lethal”. They are not non lethal. Paintballs can seriously injure or even kill. Tim Walz should have been charged with attempted murder.

    The brainwashed liberals love Harris and Walz though. The freeloaders get to be handed free shit from the commies while the commies violate the rights of and steal from the working people.

    Anyone here see what happen when Kamala Harris visited Pittsfield Massachusetts to talk to the elite class wealthy donors? The Secret Service at their finest once again.


  3. Those weren’t civilian paintball guns the Minnesota NG and police used. They were likely standard 12 Gauge shotguns using marker rounds; you can see several gunpowder flashes after the command to “Light ’em up”. Those rounds are much more powerful and could have certainly destroyed an eye.

    Similar: https://www.police1.com/police-products/less-lethal/press-releases/pepperballreg-technologies-releases-impactplustrade-12-gauge-less-lethal-round-B8K7WrqrmRcJOtH0/

    To use them against non-threatening civilians on their own property is an unwarranted assault. Somebody should have served jail time.

    This is Minnesota nice?

    1. This is the “war” that Tim Walz said he served in. The war on the people.
      He is a fucking scumbag.
      To paraphrase / quote Trump
      Any American that votes for Walz needs their head examined.

  4. There have been self defense cases of people returning fire with firearms when attacked with paint balls that were upheld in court.

    1. True, however, even if justified, if the scumbag politicians order the thugs with badges to carry out this bullshit and if the order followers listen, especially in liberal states, the homeowner defending himself will get fucked with a capital F by the justice system.

      Tim Walz served in a war against the people. Tim Walz loves communism and people control.

      1. “the homeowner defending himself will get fucked with a capital F by the justice system”

        And thus the phrase, “after you shoot the first one all the rest are free.”

    2. The real problem, as I see it, isn’t the initial unconstitutional act by the authorities. It is the response by otherwise innocent civilians. John Law shoots his paint balls, we reply with live lead, they respond with SWAT, CS gas (don’t tell me they won’t) and “civilianized” military surplus armor. Johnny Homeowner might have been one thousand percent right in defending his family and property, but he’s also going to be one thousand percent dead.

  5. Don’t forget, this dickhead Tim Walz signed unconstitutional laws to violate the people’s 2nd amendment rights, all while he orders his thugs with badges to use paintball guns on the people for standing on their porches. Tim Walz views us the people as peasants. We are subjects to him.

    Don’t forget the part that really helps keep everyone safe, FREE PHONE CALLS for inmates.
    They are NOT criminals, they are “incarcerated individuals” and the people in jail have more rights than free law abiding people on their own porches.

    “Ensuring incarcerated individuals have access to free phone calls for family and friends.”


    Governor Walz Signs Historic Gun Safety Measures Into Law
    Legislation includes additional $113.3 million to fight violent crime
    May 19, 2023
    [ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz today signed historic gun safety measures into law, including universal background checks and a red flag law that allows law enforcement to intervene when someone is at high risk of injuring themselves or others with a firearm. Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan were joined by former Congresswoman and gun violence prevention advocate Gabby Giffords, legislators, and gun safety advocates to celebrate the action taken to address gun violence.

    “As a veteran, gun-owner, hunter, and dad, I know basic gun safety isn’t a threat to the Second Amendment – it’s about keeping our kids safe,” said Governor Walz. “There’s no place for weapons of war in our schools, churches, banks, or anywhere else people are just trying to live their lives. Today is about taking meaningful action to create a safer future for our kids, and I am proud to sign this commonsense, life-saving legislation into law.”

    “As a mom, I am very clear that our first responsibility to our kids is keeping them safe. With this historic budget, we are going to do just that,” said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. “By signing a red flag law and universal background checks into law, we are saving lives and building a better, more hopeful future for our kids. Thank you to Congresswoman Giffords and all of the advocates who turned their deepest pain into hope and progress – their courage is why we are here today.”

    Historic gun safety and violent crime prevention measures in Chapter 52, Senate File 2909 include:

    Universal Background Checks

    The bill requires a background check for private party transfers of pistols and semiautomatic weapons. A background check is not required for a private transfer of a hunting rifle or between immediate family members. Both parties must retain a copy of the record of the transfer for 10 years.

    Extreme Risk Protection Orders

    Extreme risk protection orders, also known as “red flag laws,” allows a family member, guardian, city or county attorney, or police chief to intervene when someone is at high risk of injuring themselves or others with a firearm.

    Bureau of Criminal Apprehension

    The bill invests over $43 million over four years for the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) to combat violent crime statewide. This investment will provide increased funding for BCA lab analysis, analytics supports, and to continue partnerships with local law enforcement.

    Limiting No-Knock Warrants

    The bill limits the use of no-knock warrants. These warrants can only be allowed if either the search cannot be executed while the premises is unoccupied or the occupants in the premises present an imminent threat of death or great bodily harm to the officers executing the warrant or other persons.

    Other highlights of the public safety bill include:

    Providing funding to reimburse counties for the costs of sexual assault examination kits, to fill the gap in federal victims of crime act funding, and for the BCA to meet a 90-day goal for forensic evidence exam turnaround times.
    The bill establishes the Office of Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls to promote the safety and success of Black women and girls through training, advocating for systems change, and ending violence against and trafficking Black women and girls.
    Investing $87.2 million to help ensure evidence-based practices, bring community supervision systems up-to date with needed funding across the three delivery systems, and provide state funding to tribal governments.
    $70 million for the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) to provide grants to community-based crime prevention programs. Eligible grantees include organizations that support victims of gun violence, youth support, violence interrupters, homelessness support, neighborhood watch, re-entry programs for incarcerated individuals, and community and faith-based projects.
    Providing $5 million in fiscal year 24 for the new Intensive Peace Officer Education & Training Program. Local law enforcement agencies will be able to receive grants so they can pay education and training costs, in addition to paying the candidate a salary while they are in training.
    $35 million over two years in juvenile-justice efforts. This includes funding for youth-intervention grants, dual status youth programs, restorative justice grants, increasing the capacity of OJP’s Youth Services Office, establishing a new office at OJP for Restorative Justice, and funding an innovative pilot program in Ramsey County for juvenile home placement and treatment.
    Ensuring incarcerated individuals have access to free phone calls for family and friends.
    Increased funding to the Department of Human Rights to strengthen their investigative capacity, legal team, settlement monitoring team, and equity and inclusion in state contracting work. These investments will support the Department’s vision to make Minnesota a state where everyone can lead lives fully of dignity and joy.
    The Governor has long advocated for public safety funding for local police, fire, and 911 departments. The Governor expects to receive and sign the legislation in the coming days.

    1. Can’t speak for others, but it really chaps my ass to see Gun Control Laws being referred to as “Gun Safety Measures.”
      The only response to that is that time-honored Texas saying “Boy, don’t try to piss on my boots and tell me it’s raining.”

      “The bill establishes the Office of Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls”
      No more needs to be said.

  6. “Governor Walz Signs Historic Gun Safety Measures Into Law
    Legislation includes additional $113.3 million to fight violent crime”

    The taxpayers in Minnesota really got buttfucked hard, raw dog, no lube. $ 113 million dollars stolen from hardworking people to fund being disarmed by their government, and to give FREE PHONE CALLS to “incarcerated individuals”.

    Tim Walz for Vice President 2024

  7. It’s very simple, really.
    Don’t shoot at me and I won’t shoot at you.
    It’s worked fine for 69 years so far.

    1. Hey, You peasant, get off of your fucking porch. Go back inside. We are here for your safety so you don’t catch the Chi Com virus. We got some nice painted balls for you if you don’t comply.
      Don’t you know that the virus comes out more at night?

  8. I am so proud of the thugs with badges for doing the dangerous job of driving around at night when the Chi Com virus was no doubt more active and infectious, all to protect us peons from exercising our rights.

    It is common sense to double mask.


    I wonder if this same thing works with condoms? If so, let’s buy all the liberals condoms and tell them to double up so these fucking fools don’t reproduce.

    1. Fauxci is a lying POS. Why not wear 5 masks, 10 masks? He offers no data to support his assertion.
      I have yet to see him or his followers give a presentation on vapor droplet, virus size, and viral load, and the efficacy, with numbers, of a cloth mask in dealing with this.
      He was the father of the Wuhan flu, and scrambled like a cat covering its turds to hide that.
      His Gain of Function funding resulted in the deaths of millions and cost trillions in the world economy.

  9. It is absolutely essential that the People, individually and collectively, retain a formidable capacity and willingness to deploy force under certain ethically justified circumstances.

    It is also crucial that any and all potential adversaries understand this, deep in their bones.

    You don’t see tragedies like peacable people being assaulted on their own porches (or worse!) unfold unless one or more legs on that stool are broken.

    1. “It is absolutely essential that the People, individually and collectively, retain a formidable capacity and willingness to deploy force under certain ethically justified circumstances.”

      I determined over a half-century ago that IF I were to own a weapon, there would have to be a few rules. Never purchase from a dealer, shop, or big box store. Too much paperwork. Always purchase an otherwise legal weapon from someone who doesn’t know you, always for cash, and preferably through a third party. If the seller doesn’t see you, he can’t identify you. Any “upgrades” or “modifications” can be done later by someone who’s only interest in paperwork is the color of your Jacksons. Maybe I’m just a lucky old f*rt, but after fifty years, no troubles.

  10. The book “Unintended Consequences” is available as a free PDF.

    It should be mandatory reading for wannabe tyrants.

  11. My two carry pieces are a 10mm and a 45GAP. Two of the most powerful semi-automatic pistols available. FYI: 45GAP is detuned to be equivalent to 45ACP+P but can be pushed to 10mm +p speeds with 185gr and 200 gr bullets without any issues.

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