Classic Beauty: Greta Garbo

Aaahhhh, Garbo.  Nobody who has seen Anna Karenina  or Ninotchka  could avoid falling in love with her, as I most certainly did.

Here’s the reason for my infatuation with her.  Apart from her astonishing beauty and sexy voice, she was someone after my own heart in that when she grew tired of her own celebrity and the whole Hollywood thing, she told everyone to take a hike and lived a life of her own, in seclusion.

My kinda gal.

One comment

  1. Oh, to invent a time machine, and go back to the heady days of 1936-39, and perchance a meal with her. Just to talk, to ask some poignant questions, and to absorb her beauty.

    Now, to get the creative juices flowing…

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