Blind Pigs, Etc.

Here’s an interesting story, and — you may all reach for the smelling salts now — it’s a topic on which I actually agree with Piers Morgan.

Celia Walden believes that “every woman” should have a male friend – but her husband Piers Morgan disagrees.

The 48-year-old revealed that the battle she’s fought to maintain close connections with men she cares about has been fiercely opposed by TalkTV star Piers, who insists they want sex. She clarified: “Full disclosure: my husband doesn’t like me having friends of the opposite sex.

“Like throw pillows, I’ve had to fight for every one I possess. He’s convinced (like so many men) that any straight man is only using ‘the old friendship ruse’ to try to sleep with me.”

Celia took a different approach, telling the publication she believes male pals might be like “husbands”, but they come totally free from “the sex or the resentment”.

No, they don’t.

I don’t trust men around women at the best of times — other than close friends and family — and it has nothing to do with jealousy or trust, either.

Here’s what I know.  At several times in her life, a woman gets to be emotionally vulnerable.  She’s feeling depressed, or she and hubby Had Words, or maybe she’s going through one of those “What about MY movie?” episodes… whatever, she’s fragile.  Men sniff that out because that’s what men do.  And at that point, all good intentions, firm resolutions and all that will disappear, and the ripe peach is plucked.  Add half a bottle of wine, and off you go.

She may hate herself right afterwards (or even during) the act, and hate Roger The Todger for being such an Absolute Bastard For Taking Advantage Of Her.

[insert frog and scorpion fable here]

But of course it’s too late, and to use the Afrikaans expression, the bullet has gone through the church and there’s no getting it back.

And just so we know what’s going on here, this is Celia Walden (48):


…and here she is with her total twat of a husband:


I wouldn’t trust other men around her, either, no matter how “platonic”.  Like I said, I know exactly where Morgan’s coming from, and I agree.

I still want to emulate Clarkson, though, and punch him in the face.


  1. Completely agree! There is no such thing as a safe male “friend” of your wife. Learned that the hard way with the first wife. Even the supposedly Gay ones are dangerous. When she needs someone else to listen to all her complaints, that what all her female friends are for.
    as the saying goes, Trust …. but verify.

    1. “….that what all her female friends are for.”

      With the raging faggotry being promoted these days, they’re not “safe” either.

  2. Agree 100%.
    wimminz are emotionally gullible and there’s nothing that can be done about it. It’s built in to the package.

  3. But you, married, or attached man, are expected to cut off all female friends. You are allowed no female confidants outside the relationship.

  4. I used to work in an industry with a lot of women and I adopted Mike Pence’s standard of not being alone with a woman. Some are crazier than others

  5. one warning we received before we graduated from dental school:
    “Never, but never – at any time – no matter what the circumstance – work without your assistant by your side when you have a woman in the chair.”

  6. I’ve had the same argument with my wife on several occasions, usually when someone she knew from way back tries to facebook friend her and then uses that to have daily conversations. We’re in our 50’s and some guy she knew in high school wants to chat her up daily after 40 years of no contact? Bullshit – he’s probably divorced, horny, and working his way thru every woman he’s ever known to see if any of the old broads will still take the bait. She thinks that I’m being ridiculous, but if I mention some woman I’m working with twice in the same week, she starts accusing me of having a thing for that “slut at your work”.

    Oh yeah, some guy from way back finally worked up the nerve to go all perv on her and ask her for pictures of her feet. Yeah. She went apeshit, I just went and made a bag of popcorn and grabbed a beer. It ain’t often I win an argument, but I did. She still doesn’t agree with me on the topic, but we all know who’s right.

  7. I had an acquaintance when I was in college who would do the ‘the old friendship ruse’ to horn in on women. After the third time of getting beat up by boyfriends of the women he took advantage of he started going to the gym where he bulked up. He did it one time too many and is now taking a dirt nap. The world became a better place.

  8. She may hate herself right afterwards (or even during) the act, and hate Roger The Todger for being such an Absolute Bastard For Taking Advantage Of Her.

    My ex-wife, when caught cheating, gave me a sob story about how she told him “You ruined me!”

    Funny how she kept going back to him, and chatting up others. Then she saw herself as the victim when I divorced her.

  9. I don’t recall exactly what the clinical term is for this, but basically, attention-seeking whores have an extraordinary appeal to other attention whores, but inexplicably don’t recognize the shortcomings of that behavior. I believe this to be the case here.

    Nonetheless, if she needed my attentions to accommodate the shortfall in his ability to meet his manful obligations, I would, in no uncertain terms, be on that like a club on a baby seal. He is, of course, a twat.

    The ability to attract a woman of that physicality with anything short of a massive pile of money brings with it the risk of losing her interest to a man with a massive pile of physicality, and perhaps a slightly smaller pile of money. Piers Morgan must know that he puts that to test daily. You can sense his frustration.

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