Young Blood

I love the fact that Pussydom is always harping about how BAAAD ol’ Leo DiCaprio is just because he trades in his girlfriends for newer models when they reach the ripe old age of 27.

However, when it’s Teh Grrrls going after toyboys, it’s suddenly just peachy:

It’s one reason why many midlife women are discovering the joys of dating someone much younger than them – and there are many more.

Two in five women on the dating app Feeld are now open to meeting members who are 15 or more years younger than them.

US Census data shows the percentage of marriages between older women and younger men has grown in the past two decades: 14 per cent of marriages of women over 50 was to a partner younger by least five years.

Not only is it easier for women to date younger men, those that do are happier. An American study of 300 women found women with a partner at least ten years younger are happier than those with partners their own age or older.

So why would a younger guy go for the Saggy&Baggy option by traveling on the Grab-A-Granny Trail?  From the horse’s mouth:

‘The first young guy I went out with was also the only decent guy who responded to my profile. At first, I thought it was a joke – why would a guy that young and good-looking want to date me? We arranged to meet, and I was convinced he’d either not turn up or run once he saw me in real life. He did neither. We had a brilliant evening and there was no pressure for sex at the end of it.
‘I asked why he chose me over a younger woman, and he said he was tired of their “dramas and insecurity”.’

Well, yes.  I can certainly see that.  Most young men in the target market (so to speak) would probably agree with him, because if ever there was a generation that has their collective head firmly buried up their collective anus, it’s the current 20-30 crop of wimmyns, fresh from their five-year-stint at university and its courses on FemLitEmpowerment and MenArePigs 301.  These are the same chicks who are the bane of companies everywhere, moaning about “work-life balance” and demanding psychological counseling every time a superior asks them to meet a deadline to which they already agreed before taking on said task.

Not that their male counterparts are much better, mind you, but at least some of those Young Penis People are ahem mature enough to attract Older Women, and let’s be honest, for a guy looking for an easy lay with no issues like childbearing hovering over the bedroom, the Saggies are low-hanging fruit — not only for the sex, but also because the oldies are probably somewhat more together than the weenies from their Sociology class.

Of course there are downsides for the cougar-bait;  I don’t call them the Saggies for nothing, but as long as they are reasonably personable and not too manatee-like, it’s probably not a problem. From the above article:

The type of woman who’s inclined to go out with a younger man is usually better than average looking. Let’s be brutally honest here: physical appearance is nearly always the initial attractor. These women don’t necessarily look younger than their age, but they do have buckets of sex appeal.

The best part is that over time, when the Saggies start to get unhinged — and they will — the toyboys can leave them cold with the excuse of “settling down and starting a family”.

Fucking hell, what a shit show.


  1. I had several long term relationships with older women (5-15 years) when I was young, and they were great.

    Young women are stupid, immature, full of themselves hyper-emotional and what’s worse, generally don’t know how to fuck. Older women (usually) have calmed down a bit and also usually learned how to pleasure a man.

    That being said, as one gets older, and the women get older and saggier and wrinklier, you get to the point where the experienced, mature woman is actually…errmm…younger than oneself. I’m 62, my wife is 55. She’s tall, strong curvaceous, calm and kind, runs half-marathons, does competitive mountain biking and never says she has a headache. I’ve got nothing to complain about.

  2. Twas ever thus?
    Hell, 40-50 years ago when I was single 9 out of 10 females were batshit crazy and you didn’t have to scratch very deep to figure it out. It’s only gotten worse since. Our son didn’t find a redeemable female to build a family with until he was 35 and it wasn’t because of lack of trying.

    When buying a horse you have to spend the quality time working it hard in a variety of positions over a fairly brief period to find out whether it will hold up in the long run for it’s expected life long tasks. If, after the end of the 1 month test, the horse passes the test, then and only then do you make the commitment to keep it. If it fails, you turn it loose and try another one. Over and over and over.

    Under NO circumstances do you keep a horse that has not passed the test for if you try you will eventually become broke, bitter, cynical, and maybe start drinking to excess. lol

  3. Senior citizens center, this 80 year old man starts bragging to everyone that he has a 20 year old girlfriend. One of the 80 year old ladies makes a few calls and several days later announces that she has a 20 year old boyfriend. And of course her situation is so much better. How so?, asked the old man. Simple math, she replied. 20 goes in to 80 way more times that 80 goes into 20.

  4. “…was also the only decent guy who responded to my profile. ”


    They never get it, do they? Guys will screw damn near anything. And for a younger guy? Why not?

    My first girlfriend was 7 years older than me. Older ones know what they want and what they like. Less head games. Not none. Less.

    Like Jeff Dunham’s “walter’ says – forget about those 72 virgins. Get me 72 slutty chicks that know what they’re doing.

  5. As some anonymous bard wrote

    “They don’t yell,
    They don’t swell,
    They don’t tell,
    And they’re grateful as hell.”

  6. I exclusively dated older women back in the 80’s just because I wanted a woman 1)who does not laugh like a little girl all the time and 2) more experienced.I was 19 and did not find out till later I was dating my Chemistry teachers ex she was like 27/28 never made it to home base ..close.The wife of 36years was the first woman I dated younger than me because she did not blow rule #1 we fought like cats/dogs in the beginning.She finally realized don’t pull to hard on the chain give it some slack he’ll come back.

    1. Interestingly enough, I often found the reverse to be true, back in my misspent youth.

      “You want to do WHAT?” was quite a common response…

  7. Late wife was 8.5 years older than me, had reached the point in her life when she wanted to marry right when I wanted to marry too.

    At 50ish now; I’m having to look older again because too many 45-50 women have kids under 18 and I don’t want to be a step in that situation. Kentucky also has too many 50–55 women looking for her sugar daddy to fund travel, etc. I will play Splenda Daddy for anyone who matches me….

    And there’s the mess of online dating. Before quitting it last time, I matched with a semi-important person at the University who has since retired. As I told my wife’s nephew, where can she go to date and find someone in her economic class in Kentucky? (She dropped me fast when she figured out I was middle-class, and I’m just fine with that.)

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