Blackmail, Pure And Simple

It appears that I’m not alone in hating this recent trend of a guy surprising his girlfriend by proposing to her in front of a large crowd of people.

Public proposals appear to have added an extra fear factor for women hoping to stay out of the spotlight and avoid online ridicule for saying no.

Rejection videos shared online are met either with support or shaming, demanding a ‘yes’ to save their partner humiliation.

Actually, I think that any asshole who subjects his future wife to this kind of emotional blackmail deserves the public humiliation if she rejects him.  And if she wants to show her rejection in a more ummm aggressive manner, that’s her prerogative.

You may disagree with me on this, but you’d be wrong.


  1. If I’m reading this correctly, that’s about as pathetic as it gets, isn’t it?

    If the asker doesn’t already know how the asked is going to answer beforehand, then he shouldn’t be doing any asking at all.

    And if the asked agrees to the blackmail proposal then the whole thing is doomed to fail.


    Because children should not attempt marriage as it is an adult business.

    But what do I know, having only been married once, and for 40 years so far. And yes, I knew before I asked. Women aren’t afraid to show mind when it comes to marriage.

  2. Not only that, but it’s narcissistic as hell: “Look at me look at me lookit lookit lookit!”

    I don’t need to be force fed any aspect of your private life. If you feel otherwise, go fuck yourself. With a chainsaw.

  3. I proposed to my then girlfriend in a fancy French restaurant. 22 years later she still puts up with me.

  4. I like the ones where the boyfriend drops the $10k ring and it falls off a cliff, or into the ocean, or some other irretrievable location. Ha Ha F-U.

  5. I read it just the opposite way, she now expects some over the top production because it shows her how much she means to him. Of course the downside is now he has to top his production level proposal with a showy dance number at the wedding, even bigger productions at the 1, 5, 10 (if they make it that far) anniversary’s. She is setting him up for failure at this point because there is no way he can live up to the unreal expectations.

  6. When I worked for Gigantic Aerospace Corporation, I worked with a woman who lived with her husband on a boat in a nearby Marina. He didn’t even go through the Proposal in public rigmarole, he simply stood up at this outdoor concert and, in a very loud, clear voice announced that he just proposed and she ACCEPTED! Needless to say, everyone within the sound of his voice applauded and cheered. Like the others, she didn’t want to make a scene at the time, even though this was WAY before social media and a camera in every pocket. What is incomprehensible to me is why she didn’t tell him later, privately, that he embarrassed her terribly, and their relationship needed some repair first.

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