News Roundup

Might as well have a beer (or six), as we contemplate some Election News:

...more like a Reagan-versus-Mondale outcome, but then again, the Democrats didn’t try to imprison Reagan or rely on massive voting fraud schemes back then;  they hadn’t gone Full Stalin yet.

...wait till ol’ Mark hears about FDR’s death.

...and not a moment too soon, either.

...of course not;  why should they address the area most likely to be used fraudulently?

In Military News:

...gee, I wonder if that just might be because men don’t want to join the Navy and see the Woke?  And some even better news (for China):

...well, isn’t that special?

And news from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©: we would have expected anyone else.

...proving that immigration idiocy isn’t confined to just the Euros.

And just to the north of them:

...isn’t there a law against this kind of thing?  Or should New Wife apply, seeing as she’s not (yet) a citizen?  (Of course, that means I would have to live in the People’s Soviet of Oregon… so nemmind.)

But wait!  From Britishland:

...too bad that realization has come too late, innit?

In local Lawn Ordure news:

...keyword:  Floriduh.

And in our peek into other  


...actually, what you really need to do is change your partner, because that lil’ thang is gonna be worn out.

...ah yes, Liz… how could we ever forget her?

And on that pink note, we end this look at the news.


  1. The 17 ships that are being sidelined are USNS with civilian mariner crews. The issue there is breaking faith with the mariners on crew rotation and quality of life issues. In civilian world, crewing is 2 months on, 2 months off. USNS are supposed to have 4 months on, 2 months off, but are being abused with 6 months on, 2 months off, or even worse, such that they can’t have a home life. Much like the almost-strike of US rail workers in 2022, or the Canadian rail worker strike this year, this is about abusing the workforce too much. Too many mariners have voted with feet in response.

    1. And the main reason that crew rotations are being extended / abused is that they’re short of sailors — it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy and a vicious circle.

  2. Relative to David French, he was never a conservative. Way back when he wrote for NR it was obvious.

    I stopped reading him just based off of his full throated endorsements for Romney in the primary In 2012. They showed just how worthless his judgment is. (If it was a “He is better than Obama so hold your nose and vote” thing I get it.)

    Same/same for Trump BTW – an East Coast big city Dem pretending to be conservative and failing.

    1. Trump may be an East Coast big city “Dem”, but he’s a far better Republican than many of our known “conservatives”.

  3. What kind of beer is that comely lass selling? How much do I have to buy before she delivers it personally?

    The news makes a cabin in the woods away from people very appealing

  4. Maybe use the free money to buy a house in east Oregon, preferably one of the counties trying to join Idaho?

  5. Re: Kamalatoe’s impending defeat – I wouldn’t count those chickens just yet. Remember the Red Wave™? Off the cuff & extemporaneous is when she’s at her most cringe & unlikable. They’ve chained her black ass to a teleprompter to compensate, and are hiding her gibberish & incompetence much more effectively than they ever did with Brandon. With the mainstream media Goebbels School Of Propaganda shilling for her every step of the way, they can absolutely win.

  6. I wish Liz would break down and show us all the kitty sometime

    For reference purposes of course

  7. I forgot to mention that I’m a member of the Federalist Society

    A few years back, the then leaders of the local chapter invited Beta male Democrat leaning soyboi David French to speak to us

    I didn’t consider attending to listen to the anti Trump drivel he spews

    I get the impression that very few people attended

  8. I’m pretty sure that first photo of Ms. Liz features my favorite piece of fabric in existence.

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