Proof Of Association

After wading through all sorts of stuff explaining the concept of “the power of association”, Scott Pinsker says the following:

By joining the MAGA train, RFK Jr. is helping Trump craft a narrative where The Donald is open-minded and forgiving of his former rivals. It shows he’s capable of attracting independents, moderates, liberals, practically anyone — hell, even a Kennedy joined Trump!

Yeah.  I’ll believe that about Trump when he offers Ron DeSantis a Cabinet position — and I mean a serious post like State or Commerce.

The biggest mistake Trump made — in both election campaigns — was his dismissive attitude towards the best state governor in the United States.  Regardless of his personal feelings, though, there’s no denying that in his own state, DeSantis has achieved more MAGA-type reform than anyone else.  Perhaps more even than Trump himself at the national level.

And by leaving DeSantis out of his future Administration plans, Trump will be doing the country, and himself, a grave disservice.

Trump is good for only four more years;  DeSantis will be good for more than a decade after that, if not longer.


  1. If Trump wins in November he’ll be well advised to step down in 2027 to allow his VP to run as a sitting President and to make sure that there are no legal issues.

  2. There are A LOT of issues with Trump, the ONLY redeeming feature is that he is the first candidate since Reagan that truly appears to be an America First type president. Hopefully that’s enough, but as many others have said, it’s going take more than that to turn the country around. Most likely blood will be involved.

  3. DeSantis as governor of a State is much more effective than he would be as Secretary of some Department, particularly one infested with mandarins.

  4. By joining the MAGA train, RFK Jr. is helping Trump craft a narrative where The Donald is open-minded and forgiving of his former rivals. It shows he’s capable of attracting independents, moderates, liberals, practically anyone…

    Bullshit. We’ve become overtly tribal, and everyone’s entrenched. Donnie Douchebag remains the same narcissistic, vindictive steaming pile of dogshit he’s always been. That’s his single defining characteristic, and why I voted Libertarian in 2016. As POTUS he did enough I agreed with that I held my nose & voted for him last time around, and will do so again in November. I’m confident that I’m the exception to the rule. The animus for DD runs deep and wide, and the media Goebbels Department of Propaganda will stoke those fires for all they’re worth.

    1. “why I voted Libertarian in 2016”

      Funny, I always considered you more of a pragmatist than that.

      1. As someone who has been watching, and acting, in politics for 7-decades, the greatest source of frustration was a fling with the Libertarians a quarter century ago:
        Talk about useless people with exaggerated concepts about themselves.
        As to The Donald, and RdS, I believe they are closer than they appear in what they wish to do, where they want to go, and how they will get there. But, and this is just a gut feeling, there is something – whether it is personal or just bad ju-ju, that stands between them.
        I like your suggestion of “State”: Someone with backbone and knowledge needs to root that cesspit from eyebrow to asshole.

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