So let’s look at some (mostly) non-fake news.
...just exposing another one of her many lies — the bitch has always been of the “no borders” persuasion. Also see:
...just doing her best to keep up with her VP’s record of lies about his background.
In Business News:
...this would have sounded so much better if IBM were moving all their R&D back to the United States, but IBM ceased to be an actual American company way back in the 1990s.
And would it be a week without some We’re All Gonna DIIIEEEE! news?
...quick, impose a lockdown!
Some Sports News:
…that’s because he may be a professional racer, but he’s clearly an amateur drinker.
In Military News:
...nothing about the Army has looked good since Desert Storm ended and DEI/LGBTOSHTFU was installed.
This just in from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:’s “California-In-The-Rockies”; what else did you expect?
...wait: the FBI did some actual law enforcement?
And in the continuous fake news a.k.a. Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©:
In the Commercial News Dept.:
...sorry, sweetie; I know you’re just doing it for the $$$, but no way no how no chance not ever will I buy anything from that bunch of San Francisco anti-gun Commie assholes.
And speaking of giant dicks, we have in Medical News: of the perils of your wife being gluten-intolerant? Keyword: Lebanon.
And after that snippet, the usual collection of
...lemme guess: “Forgive and forget”?
...people who have no lives of their own.
...nope, I have no idea who she is either, but that’s never stopped me before:
And that’s the rear end of the news.
Sorry to shatter your delusions, but the FBI didn’t do any actual law enforcement in the Burglary Tourism Ring case, other than serve warrants. The Ventura County Sherriff’s Department did all the hard work – a multi-year long investigation. Once it was determined that the ringleaders were bringing career criminals into the US on tourist visas, renting them luxury cars (to better blend into the high-end neighborhoods they targeted) taking a cut of the proceeds, and then organizing burglaries across multiple states, the LA Federal Attorney piled on with money laundering and human trafficking charges. Then, as per their usual MO, the FBI swooped in to grab all the credit.
I kind of figured that anyway. No bubble was burst.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a view of a turnip field, as long as you can hunt it. Both deer and hogs love turnips.
But hunting requires yucky guns! Also, I never heard of wild pigs in Great Britain.
“if IBM were moving all their R&D back to the United States”
Can’t happen, not enough qualified American college grads.
Lots of Grads qualified for DEI Inc. though.
A friend of mine married an Indian woman. Their son is quite a bright guy, and really wanted to attend a prestigious Indian technical college. Much to his dismay he didn’t make the cut, and had to settle for M.I.T.
Speaking of fake, I bet the person in the picture at the top also has a kickstand.
When does the season on thugs start in colorado and is there a bag and size limit?
yep bring the jobs back to the United States. At least they’re leaving Communist China.
WHen I hear UN, I read long enough to see that they are up to their evil games then stop reading. The details aren’t important. the only reason for the US to stay involved with the UN is to thwart their totalitarian games. We need to defund them.
Levis can rot as well as Nike and all other woke or leftist companies. It’s a shame that such an iconic brand chose to be any civil rights. My Wranglers are cheaper, last long enough and look just fine.
As for the disease and food poisoning articles, be careful where you put your tallywhacker and you will avoid major problems in life
News ended on a good note
Just take one look at the UN’s flag/logo and you’ll see just how distorted their view of the worlds is.