That Garage Thing Part 2 – The Euros

See last Saturday’s post for the background, if this is the first time you’re seeing this series.

My choices for the Euro section is a little different this time, because in addition to wanting to flee the modern electro-digital foolishness, I’m also tending towards smaller cars that are fun to drive, but not necessarily high-performance cars.  So you won’t see the Dino 246 (my perennial favorite) or similar in today’s selection.  Here they are:

1956 Porsche 356C

1971 Lancia Fulvia 1600 HF

1964 Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider

And here’s my go-to choice, one that, unlike the Alfa, will always start reliably:

1964 Mercedes 230 SL

I am quite curious to know that if I ever did populate my garage with the above four beauties, which one would become my favorite over time.

And next week — have the smelling-salts handy — I’m going to list my modern choices.


  1. These are all lovely choices and I would choose the Benz, for mine. Contemplating them gives me the same sad feeling I get when YouTube shows me the “Best Motorcycle Rides in Texas” and I spend too much time dreaming of the pleasant places to drive. Those motorcycle roads would make for an outstanding drive for any of these cars . And I suppose if I lived in New Hampshire or some other hobbit hole (Old Hampshire?), I could pull out of my garage and be on the scenic twisties in short order.
    Where I live, it’s a long drive fighting F-250 Super Duties and crazy people to get there. I’ve had them try to run me off the road while driving a decent-sized SUV, let alone a lovely little 230 SL. Any of these cars would just represent blood sport to entirely too many Texas drivers, just as motorcycles do.
    Since these are all fantasies anyway, I guess it makes little difference, but it’s irritating that real world impediments encroach on such pleasant contemplation.
    It doesn’t help that every Friday I subject myself to Swanson’s Friday Open Road at the DailyTimewaster. Here’s today’s …

  2. Which one would be my favorite? Since they are now 50+ year old cars with a rapidly dwindling supply of parts, the more appropriate question is which one is the most likely to running ( or keep running). Clearly the answer is the 356C. It also has the best chance of keeping up with modern traffic and avoiding some Bro in a Dually with a Big Hat. ….. and performance versions are available.

  3. An Air Force officer friend of mine in the Philippines (stood up in my wedding in San Fernando, La Union Province) had a 1970s vintage Spider shipped over. Loved it, loads of fun, but boy was it a headache for him. I had a more reliable American-made Renault Alliance manual transmission which was also fun to drive over there.

  4. That would be the Mercedes for me, German built an reliability, Plus I remember having slobered from désire for one in my neighborod.

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