RFI: Powdered Wig Stuff

I know that there are more than a few [sigh]  members of the legal persuasion among my Readers, so if I may ask, could those who qualify drop me a quick note ([email protected]) when you have a free moment?

The matter is not criminal, not financial, and nor has it anything to do with New Wife’s immigration issue.  It’s more of a “What the hell do I do now?” situation, and it involves me vs. Global MegaCorp Inc.

Many thanks.

Wood & Blued Steel

Reader Mike L. stumbled on an excellent post at Reddit which featured this vision of gunny loveliness:

If that doesn’t make your morning, let me tell you:  it sure did mine.

The guy’s thoughts are pretty much mine as well:

While there’s nothing wrong with ARs (I own a few myself) I’ve always been intrigued by the sheer variety of firearms and am way more attracted to fine walnut and blued steel then most “tactical” arms.

The guns pictured are a newly-acquired Ruger No 1 338 Win Mag I found for stupid cheap and an old Smith and Wesson 19-3.

I dunno about the .338 Win Mag — it’s not my favorite large caliber, and that might have stopped me from getting this particular No. 1 — but as it’s not going to be a gun that I would shoot often, that’s probably not important.  (Now had it been chambered in .300 Win Mag, .300 H&H Mag or .375 H&H Mag…)

Right-click to embiggen.  It makes a nice wallpaper pic.

Quote Of The Day

From a Reader who was once in law enforcement:

“When I was a cadet at FLETC back in ’83 we were told (off the record):  ‘Never join any team or Task Force set up by the FBI.  They either want some information you have and they don’t or they want someone to blame when they fuck up.’

“Forty-one years later and it has become a nation-wide mantra.”

Indeed it has, and they deserve all the scorn and shunning they get.

News Roundup

And on we go, with our ten shots of bad news…

...that’s only because these snowflakes haven’t been exposed to actual violence. I have some ideas that could fix that. A cricket bat may be involved.

And speaking of freedom of speech, we have some Mostly Peaceful News:

...you see, if you’re going to stage a mostly-peaceful riot in Britishland, you can only do it if you’re doing the pro-Palestinian/anti-Semitic, Green or LGBTOSTFU thing, where the cops look on benignly.  If you’re protesting government immigration policy, though, the rozzers will stomp you.


...and there ya go.

From the Dumbass Chronicles:

...trying to help a rattlesnake = trying to help a Communist;  you’re gonna get bitten.

...and the best posting for this clueless moron would be to Australia, so as to raise the average IQ in both the US and Oz.  (Also filed under “Nepo/DEI Promotion”.)

Some more Political News:

...an excellent point. The answer of “how?” is contained in the words “the media”.

[no link]
...and in the absence of fraudulent ballots, she’d be lucky to get as much as that.  Hence:

Some Sporting News:

...and why not?  It’s just archery without bows, after all.

In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

Finally, it wouldn’t be a Roundup without an obligatory Everybody Panic!!! entry:

...just another example of all the good that Africa brings to the world.

And in the tangle of 


...from Christian mom to OnlyFans houri, in other words:

And that’s it for the news.