Splendid Isolation

Every Minute

…a fool is born, goes the saying.  And chances are that the first thing said fool will do is slap down $600 for a pair of… flip-flops?

I’m not kidding.

How the humble flip-flop became the shoe of the summer with unbelievable price tags to match


I remember the wonderful little speech given by Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, in which she schools ingenue Anne Hathaway about the importance of the color “cerise” and how great minds in the fashion industry planned its future appeal, years before it became “fashionable”.  (Don’t bother looking it up;  it’s dark- or cherry pink.)

I thought the speech was a great example of how easily people can be fooled into thinking that something of little value or consequence actually matters.

As an Olde Phartte of many summers, I can recall many stupid fashions — platform shoes, wide psychedelic neckties, wide lapels on suits, etc. etc.

But I never ever dreamed that fucking flip-flops — which should all be burned on a giant bonfire (along with their wearers*) — would become the new overpriced trend.

When I see F1’s Lewis Hamilton wearing a pair of Laboutin flip-flops in the pits, then I’ll know how far we’ve fallen.

Time for gin?  I think so.

*Note:  No snide references to Australians, the worst offenders in this footwear folly.

Looking Guilty

Here’s one powdered wig that went askew:

A Mississippi attorney is accused of smuggling cell phones and drugs into prison.

Officials said Attorney Daniel Dale allegedly smuggled cell phones, cell phone chargers, drugs, and other items into the jail during what was believed to be meetings with clients.

He was arrested days after a video showed him allegedly giving a cell phone and a brown envelope to a client.

Dale was found with two cell phones, a digital scale, four vacuum-sealed packs of cigarettes, four vacuum-sealed packs of what is believed to be marijuana, two cellphone charger blocks, two cell phone chargers, and multiple cigar wraps.

And his mug shot:

As I replied to Reader Mike L. (who had sent the link to me, thankee squire):  “Fuck me, that mope could be accused of ANY crime and I’d believe it.”

Sometimes, ya just gotta shake yer head.

My Kinda Folks

I was chuckling over this little thing:

…when New Wife peered over my shoulder and commented:  “Your kind of people altogether.  So while you’re looking up the cost of flights to Finland, get me the same for a one-way to Mauritius.”

We live in different worlds…

(Of course, I need to get the rest of my guns out of hock first.)

Suggestion & Response

This may become a regular feature:

And the response:

There’s an old saying which goes something like “Never start an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel”.

How much more appropriate a warning against starting an argument with a man who controls the largest electronic media outlet in the world.