News Roundup

Speaking of fun stuff:

And speaking of sick, here’s Crime News:

...”could be executed”?  Volunteers to throw the switch, the line forms behind meAnd quit that pushing and shoving.

And Crime News (Krautland Department):

...of course, if Germany were to reinstate the death penalty for such crimes, that would solve the problem one way or the other, yes?

...yeah, that’ll work.  They’ll just come back as Ukrainian refugees, or something.  And then the Krauts wonder why this is happening:

...”hard right”?  LOL I know some ol’ boys in Arizona and Louisiana — to mention just two — who’d make these AfD guys look like little girls.   But anyway… it looks like that has happened.

In other Furrin News:

...and after the drone strikes are completed and the dust has settled, we need to ask what the hell  US servicemen are doing in Turkey in the first place.

...”Husband Of The Year” candidate.  Keyword:  France.

...I thought this only happened in shitholes like Russia or California.

In further Election News:

...I think that mentioning George Washington and Joe Biden in the same sentence should be a misdemeanor, unless we’re making a “Best” and “Absolute Worst” comparison.

In Sporting News:

...number of people who actually care about this:  0

And it’s time for link-free 


And while sauntering down

...Nicole honey, methinks that ship sailed a long time ago.  I mean, wasn’t this also you?

Just wait till your kids are old enough to watch your movies… now that’s going to be embarrassing.

And so we come to the end of the Redhead Roundup.


  1. Once again after reading the News Roundup I find myself washing my eyeballs. Yes I should know that if Kim doesn’t include a link, there is a good reason. In this case I let the words “bronze tan” and “pink swimsuit” lead me astray. I had (have) no idea who Gemma Colins is. However I though “really, how bad could she be?” A quick google search which yielded copious pictures quickly disabused be of that notion. I had previously thought that there was no such thing as an ugly blond, but my god! The horror! And please Kim, do not take this as a suggested pictorial post: i.e. “Ugly Blond Women”.. no amount of follow up nudes are gonna make up for that!

    1. OMG, she survived a yacht sinking out from under her in the Med….
      Perhaps it shouldn’t have been so overloaded!

  2. I’m against the death penalty, but the killing of that baby sure does test me. But no, not even for that.

  3. Husband of the Year sounds rather Islamic, as do his customers. Still, as you say, “France”, so who knows?

    And regarding the baby-killer: yes, death penalty. While I don’t trust the government a whole lot (as in not at all), if anyone deserves to be forcibly relieved of his air addiction, this vermin does.

  4. US serviceman attacked in Turkey: Relax, he used to be a servicewoman.

    Clooney on Biden: He didn’t jump he was pushed.

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