Quote Of The Day

From Insty, referring to this post:

“Let’s be honest, the people running the world are not only corrupt, but spectacularly incompetent.  For their lousy performance alone they should be tarred and feathered;  for their “impudence” in attempting dictatorship they deserve worse.  But it really seems that over the past few years the ruling class of the West has been preparing for war against its owns citizenry.  Again: Why?”

Because, Professor Reynolds, the socialist state has always been better at waging war against its own people than against foreigners.  The French Revolution’s Reign of Terror was not directed at the Germans, Spanish or the Italians, but against the very French citizens the Revolution had purported to liberate.  The Communist Revolution in 1917 Russia ended up slaughtering and imprisoning far more working- and middle-class Russians than had ever been killed under the Romanovs.

And it will be far easier for the West’s ruling class to oppress the populace than t would be to, say, oppress foreigners.  The ubiquitous surveillance cameras are in London, Los Angeles, Paris and Berlin — not in Bangalore, Rio de Janeiro or Manila.  And the coming clampdown on free speech will affect Musk’s TwitterX, Bill Whittle and me and the Readers of this website, not Burmese peasants or Masai cattle herders.

Not only was it untrue that Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia;  there’s a distinct possibility that Oceania had never been at war with Eastasia — the war being simply a propaganda concoction to justify the repression of the inhabitants of Oceania.

So when the lackeys of the ruling class — that would be, say, the police forces of Britain and the FBI here in the US — start muttering darkly about the “hard-Right” or “MAGA-followers” as they prepare for mass arrests and imprisonments, it’s us they’ll be coming for.

As for Glenn’s why? the answer’s simple:  because they can.  Glenn is a thoughtful, intelligent and civilized man, and he simply cannot comprehend the feral nature of those who would rule over us.

They — to a man —  are amoral cocksuckers.  And the sooner we recognize that and start treating them accordingly, the better.


  1. They — to a man — are amoral INCOMPETENT cocksuckers.

    There, fixed it. These are the type of people who could fuck up a wet dream, and would, on purpose.

  2. “Not only was it untrue that Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia; there’s a distinct possibility that Oceania had never been at war with Eastasia — the war being simply a propaganda concoction to justify the repression of the inhabitants of Oceania.”

    Now, that’s an interesting idea. Do you think that Julia was in on it the whole time?

      1. The book Julia by Sandra Neuman was an interesting read. I enjoyed it as companion of 1984.

        BTW I can tolerate a certain level of corruption as long as it includes competence. Total incompetence and petty corruption should be a hanging offence

        1. The old joke was that Chicago was corrupt but efficient, New York was neither corrupt nor efficient and that Philly was both.

  3. If we ever succeed in kicking out the amoral cocksuckers I fear that most of us would just become the same amoral cocksuckers, and if not us then certainly our children..

    Power corrupts, and absolute power … yadda, yadda. Human nature is really quite predictable.

    This fight will never be won by either side and for sure the Tree of Liberty needs fertilizer soon.

  4. I have a hypothesis I just started thinking about. Not sure how far to take it.

    Saw an article on foxnews, breitbart, or one of those outlets had a piece about how the US economy is starting to shift away from intellectual requirements, to skill based requirements. People who can do stuff are becoming more important than people who sit and “think” or make policy.

    And don’t think this doesn’t have the ass-sitters nervous, as they realize they and their ilk are going to become more irrelevant. So they are trying to tilt the billiard table to favor them as much as possible. Ilhan Omar is not going to learn to be a plumber if she can help it.

    I don’t really have another way of explaining it.

  5. One reason the Progressive Establishment in the US is preparing for war with the populace is that they never managed to disarm us. The number 400 million gets thrown around as the number of guns in private hands. I read somewhere that that is based on the (government) assumption that guns wear out, on average, in twenty years, which frankly sounds like some bureaucrats trying to avoid having to dig into records more than twenty years old. But 400 million is quite enough to scare the spit out of the Establishment Elite. They probably cannot conceive of the population NOT wanting to have them dangling from lamp posts. Or, at least, not wanting it enough to go to the trouble. They expect to be turned out by a mob of peasants, only rather better armed than the traditional ‘torches and pitchforks’.

    The truth is, the vast majority would be happy to let them fade into obscurity, penning whining little treatises on their frustrated Utopian Vision; we have lives to live.

  6. When people start talking about some sort of civil uprising, I wonder how deep this has been thought out. For instance, when the NVA and VC kicked off the Tet Offensive, they had a list of people to “re-educate via lead injection” in the city of Hue. In the Night of the Long Knives, the Nazis cleaned house based on lists of people who they felt “need to be designated for re-assignment.” Anyone got one of those kicking around?

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