News Roundup

So chug down that morning tipple, and let’s get on with it.

In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...y’all want us just to kill him here, or do you want him back so you can have the pleasure?  (offer not valid in states without the death penalty)’s actually all a tragic mistake caused by a language problem.  When he was told “Go get some from Five Guys”…

Then on to International News:

...wake up, old son:  Biden has never been your ally, unlike Trump.  And speaking of whom:

...I’m not so sure that the Stupid Party needs advice from this guy:

...but let’s keep “Trump” and “blowout” handy for later.

Some news from the Daily Woker: if only they could concentrate on making decent beer...

Some Crime News:

...who do they think they are:  the Secret Service?

...ya think?  The real question is:  why?

In the Business World:

...what;  did all those government subsidies run out?

In Travel News:

...well, perhaps if you allowed them to drink booze;  but noooo, it offends your fucking stupid  guidebook or whatever.

In Parish News:

...yeah, bet he was surprised at being arrested for impersonating an influential Epstein client.

From the Medical Files:

And in the perpetually link-free 


And as we look at properties in :

...I bet she does.  She always has that “JBF” look about her...

...or that “just about to be” look:


And that’s the end of the nipples  news.


  1. On the Israeli ambassador link – every fucking news story lists it as 5 Israelis and 1 American hostage killed. This is intentional, a partial lie, and patent propaganda to stir up Americans to do something when we should not be doing anything. The so-called American was actually a dual-citizenship person (and I fucking hate the dual-citizenship BS – either you are 100% American or GTFO). He was a child the last time he was in the States and he emigrated to Israel and lives there (well, lived, I guess) as a young adult. He had zero intentions of returning that we know of. So the true headline should be 6 Israeli hostages killed, one of which had dual citizenship as a child.

    Lest this come across as anti-Semitic, I don’t give 2 shits what the IDF does to Hamas. Kill them all, go ahead. But I don’t think one single American soldier should be involved, and not one single American tax dollar. Let the Jews in Israel pay for their war. We’ve pretty much bankrupted the middle class with the Ukraine shit show and should permanently suspend all future foreign aid. And prosecute every single fucking politician who voted for aid to Ukraine and received fucking kickbacks. Starting with Biden and working our way down. Invest in rope, we gonna need it.

    Sorry, didn’t get enough sleep or enough coffee. But I’m calling bullshit on the damn propaganda.

  2. Is it true that JK Rowling used Carville as an inspiration for Lord Voldemort? They look the same.

    That Guinness looks appealing.

    what is the best way to deal with these criminal migrants? Do we reconstitute Air Pinochet? Although easy enough to do, would it be price prohibitive? Rope and lamp posts sounds cheap but can lamp posts take the temporary weight and strain? These pedos need to be sent to a prison hospital for mental illness. Castration may help cure their sex drive.

    C’mon just let Israel off the leash and let them clean out Gaza once and for all. As a prize they get to keep Gaza and the current residents can assimilate or move to another country.

    As far as Ukraine goes, what can we do to undermine Russia’s economy, military and force projection while they are distracted?

  3. “She always has that ‘JBF’ look about her.. …or that ‘just about to be”’ look”.

    Perhaps it’s both. Or sometimes means and, after all.

  4. I don’t see a draft between those Guiness legs.

    The answer to criminals coming from south of our border is a couple of .22’s to the back of the head and the addition of pikes to the souther border wall.

    I think NAFTA destroyed decent Canadian beers. It seems they disappeared after that treaty was signed.

    Caluda Winkleman has that “I wouldn’t do her with a 10 foot dildo” look to me!

  5. I can’t be the only one who plays the “imagine what she smells like” game when perusing pictures like this. In Winkleman’s case, my answer is … she smells like Amy Winehouse looks … but I guess that makes the game circular somehow. And don’t get me started on Madonna, who I always imagine smells like the old Betsy Barbour gymnasium on the UofM campus where she spent some of her formative years.

  6. “Panic in Saudi Arabia as British tourists’ won’t visit’ for one huge reason.”

    Having been to Saudi Arabia 2 twice for work in the late 80’s, I cant imagine anyone would want to go there unless they are forced. (like I was) It’s telling that it’s the only time I’ve been on an airline, that upon takeoff, the entire plane started clapping and cheering. The plane was full of western Aramco workers and contractors going home.

    A few years latter a job came up to go to Pakistan, I refused and said I would quit if I had too. They forced another guy to go..

  7. That first picture certainly improves upon Guinness’s classic advertising slogan of “Lovely day for a Guinness”

  8. First, to Claudia Winkleman: geez, get a haircut, wouldja? You look like a sheepdog.

    Second (help me out here), the criminal migrant problem, and illegal immigration in general: didn’t the great Ronald Regan consider this same sort of problem when he was President? And didn’t he campaign on removing the “undocumented” aliens? As I remember it, part of the threat was, if they were caught here without proper permission, they would be removed and banned from ever being allowed to legally enter the US of A again. Just the threat of being permanently banished caused thousands of them to “self-deport” so they would still have a chance to eventually come to the “Shining City on the Hill”.

    If soon-to-be-President-again Trump would begin to add this threat to his speeches, I’d be willing to bet my meager pension check that the phenomena would repeat itself.

    In the meanwhile, there should be a great effort to remove the problem as it presents itself. If you’re not legal, you’re gone. If we can fly planes to third world airports to bring Illegals here, we can fly those same planes to those same airports to remove them. If the home countries won’t accept them, drop them off at the nearest airport and let them walk home. Most of them walked here to begin with in the first place.

  9. Murphy: That’s still the law. But it’s become much less of a threat as the waiting list for legal immigration grew to longer than half a lifetime for many people, and as the border became more and more porous and the chances of immigration catching you in the first place, doing the legal process to kick you back over the border, and keeping track of you until that process is complete have all become small.

    For too many, the choice is: Wait for permission to enter a high-employment, high cost of living nation until you’re too old to work, or come ahead without permission, work hard and save your money while young, then get a free ride home from INS to retire in your native land.

    Besides the economics of that, there’s only one choice that’s likely to see your children born as American citizens. We need one more Constitutional Amendment, just a small change to the citizenship clause in the 14th.

  10. Murphy: That’s still the law. But it’s become much less of a threat as the waiting list for legal immigration grew to longer than half a lifetime for many people, and as the border became more and more porous and the chances of immigration catching you in the first place, doing the legal process to kick you back over the border, and keeping track of you until that process is complete have all become small.

    For too many, the choice is: Wait for permission to enter a high-employment, high cost of living nation until you’re too old to work, or come ahead without permission, work hard and save your money while young, then get a free ride home from INS to retire in your native land.

    Besides the economics of that, there’s only one choice that’s likely to see your children born as American citizens. We need one more Constitutional Amendment, just a small change to the citizenship clause in the 14th – “From this date forward, only the children of American citizens and legally resident aliens gain birthright citizenship.”

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