A Touch Of Fall

I went outside the night before last to fetch something from the car, and… cool weather.  Okay, so it was close to midnight, so never mind, thinks I — I’m wise to Texas Weather Tricksies by now.

Then I went out yesterday morning at about 9am to run some errands, and… still cool.  In fact, I had to step out from the shade into the sunlight to avoid shivering.  When I set off in the car, I turned off the AC (for the first time since mid-May) and just cracked the windows to stay cool.

Wait, what?  Could this be Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©?

Silly rabbit.  By the time I turned to come back home, it was back to 92°F — that September Texas weather we all know and love.

I am so ready for the Fall to come.

It ain’t pretty, but at least it ain’t sweltering.



  1. Sitting here in my detached office at 7:30am in shorts and T and I have a small space heater aimed at my yeggs. It’s coming….just look at the knee deep leaves in the yard…

  2. We have had a couple of crisp mornings and overnights in New England. Went to a farmer’s market last Sunday then went to pick apples. Autumn is the best time of year. the days start cool then warm up for time at the range. It hasn’t been chilly enough for any of the neighbors to start their fireplaces up yet.

  3. Hot summers are mercifully brief here in the People’s Republic of New Jersey. Back to long sleeves now, and the shorts and t-shirts have been packed away until next June. Flannel shirts come out in a couple of weeks.

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