Never Forgive, Never Forget

Some appropriate background (Christian) music.

Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi,
miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi,
dona eis requiem.

(Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
grant them eternal rest.)

And a little more Latin:

Islamic terrorism delenda est.


  1. well, that attack was all done by foreigners. Did we secure the borders? Did we increase restrictions on student visas? do we put out a warrant and deport foreigners who overstay their visas?

    Nope! Instead a huge feckless government bureaucracy was created. A super secret watch list and secret FISA courts were created. Grannies get molested by TSA at the airport and Congressional Medal of Honor recipients get their medal taken away at airport searches.

  2. Forgive my poor Latin but my wish for the Islamists is:

    Requiesce in pace aut requiesce in terrore, sed requiesces. (Rest in peace or rest in terror but rest you will)

    In truth the above seems further off now than ever but at my age there is still room for hope.

  3. And today, we the Living remember out Honored Dead by reading their names, as we have every year since that horrible, sad day. Sadder still, I think, is that it is now the grandbabies of those we lost reading the names. The price for this atrocity continues to grow far beyond our imagining.

  4. ObL set in motion a plan to destroy what he considered the symbols of Western Civilization –
    The Twin Towers of the WTC, the Pentagon, and the White House/Capitol Hill.
    The Twin Towers are gone, the Pentagon was damaged, and through the heroics of Flt 93’s passengers and crew, the White House/Capitol Hill were saved.

    Why do Mecca and Medina still exist?

  5. I heard some scholar or other posit that the 72 virgins jive devolves from a translation error, and what actually awaits them is 72 golden raisins. Gonna be a lotta blue balls in paradise, if true.

    I’m rooting for a Groundhog’s Day scenario – no virgins, so they resort to getting each other off, after which they throw themselves off of tall buildings. Over and over again for the rest of eternity.

    So let it be written, so let it be done.

  6. And please folks remember that the 4 Americans killed during the attack in Benghazi happened on this day in 2012. Heroes abandoned by Obama, Hilary Clinton and that piece of shit Leon Panetta.

  7. The tally is more than the 2977 people who died immediately, and the approximately 2,000 who died of related illnesses, and the 10,000 estimated cases of cancer.

    It is the very different country that 285million or so million Americans remember.

    Patriot Act Delenda Est.

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