Fresh Bastardy

Reader CDM sent me some fresh news about the World’s Absolutely Worst Airline (that would be Australia’s Qantas).  The story’s too long and complicated for me to summarize properly, but the executive conclusion is that Qantarse fucked up their prices on First Class tickets;  then when they discovered the oopsie, offered the affected passengers a pretty good deal in compensation, but never followed through and instead ended  up charging one family over a hundred grand (!) for the privilege of flying Business Class — i.e. charging them full First prices for Business tickets.

Of course, this being Qantas, nobody in charge knew what the fuck was going on and they pretty much made it all up as they went along — with the predictable goat rodeo outcomes that we have come to expect from the World’s Absolutely Worst Airline.

I of course will never be in the same situation, having sworn a blood oath never to fly on Qantas, ever (background stories here, here and here for new Readers or Older Readers Who May Have Forgotten.  Oh, and here’s my response to one of their risible marketing efforts).  Not even if the only choice is flying Qantas or swimming over.

Qantarse delenda est.

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