
Speaking of foul political females, I see that Her Filthiness has opened her fat yap again:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday called for Americans to be “criminally charged” if they engage in speech that sounds like Russian propaganda.

Some might say that just a few decades ago, such charges could have been brought against Clinton herself.

But of course, four decades ago it wasn’t “Russia” but the “Soviet Union”.

Rancid Stalinist bitch.


    1. Never wish cancer on people you dislike. Why? Because so many cancers are seemingly random afflictions; a cancer diagnosis often results in feelings of sympathy due to the “there but for the grace of God go I” aspect of it. Instead, wish them more indicative of their moral/ethical failing, something that will make people say, “Oh, that’s nasty! What a scumbag they must be to have THAT!”.

  1. Hillary Clinton says (fill in utter nonsense and hate speech)

    That’s about as far as I got. Keeping JrGrizz’s post in mind, maybe Hillary Benghazi should be afflicted with leprosy.

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