What Price Political Endorsements?

I genuinely do not know the answer to this question.

Much play has been given to the fact that a Muzzie mayor in Michigan has endorsed Trump for President in 2024 and not, as one would expect, Her Junior Filthiness.  Also the Teamsters, for so long a Democrat lock:

Perhaps even more noteworthy is the non-endorsement that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters issued last week. The union’s internal polling showed that its members strongly favor Trump over Harris, but leadership issued a statement saying that it was declining to endorse either. The statement also shared the polling data, which prompted me to write that it was tantamount to a “soft endorsement” of Trump when I first reported it. Matt wrote last Friday that the move by the Teamsters is causing some agita among the Dems. 

Does this matter?  I mean, in terms of actual votes?  I mean, yeah, symbolism etc.  But does his endorsement mean that x number of these constituents are going to suddenly vote for Trump instead of Harris?

I know that if, say, the mayor of Plano decided to endorse a specific candidate or party, that would have absolutely no bearing on how I’d cast my vote.  But then I take my political cues from nobody else, so maybe I’m not representative of the average voter.

I’m still interested when, for example, the head honcho of the Fraternal Order of Police announces his endorsement — will rank-and-file cops follow his lead, or make up their own minds?  One might hope that the latter would be the case, but perhaps this is giving too much respect to the average cop.

Or maybe an endorsement simply sways the “undecideds” — although how any voter in these United States can still be uncommitted at this stage is quite beyond me.


  1. The Mayor of San Antonio has endorsed Kamala Harris. Given his reputation in many of our neighborhoods, that an automatic “Vote Trump” signal.

  2. Member of the Streel Workers Union. ( retired ). Political endorsement and activity was actually illegal on the property since we were a Quazi State Agency as a Utility, so it was never formally discussed at the Locals monthly meetings other than calls for “Volunteers” to help support some other local. and there were always the same few true believers who would raise their hands. The vast majority were there for the Pizza Lunch at the meetings ( might as well get something for the dues that were deducted.) I suspect the same is true for most Unions. The True believers will vote as they are told, but the vast majority will vote for who they want. Endorsements by leadership have little impact today.

    As to why a software engineer was a member of the Steel Workers Union is a different story and beyond my control.

  3. I always assumed that an endorsement from the Teamsters Union came with a hefty campaign contribution check. Not sure if that’s true, but if they really aren’t endorsing anyone, are they secretly cutting someone a check anyway?

    As for the muzzies, no idea. I’ve known some people who’d vote for whoever the reverend mentioned, but since I normally associate with either assholes and/or intelligent people (apparently there’s quite a bit of correlation there), I have no idea if that’s a big deal or not.

  4. Much depends on whether the endorsing agency feels itself to be the representative, or the “leader” of its constituency. Nowadays there’s a real surfeit of the latter.

  5. There are many group think subscribers who do as they are told to do by someone they exalt. Maybe these endorsements or non endorsements persuade those small minded folks.

    My friends and relatives generally vote for the candidates whose platform and ideology they support. I know some who vote Democrat no matter what. They think that it is still the party of JFK.

    The older I get the more I’m beginning to believe that if voting really worked, they wouldn’t let us do it.

  6. A good politician finds a parade in progress and gets in front to act like he’s leading it. An unexpected endorsement may be evidence of what the politician thinks his constituents are doing. That may explain the Michigan endorsement.

  7. Dunno the real value anymore. Anecdotally I have a friend who grew up in Noo Joizee, and her brother is a crane operator (the tall building type cranes) and he said he always voter for who the union said to vote for. That may be a one off, but my, albeit limited, interactions with union types is that it’s as much of a cult as an employee organization. Times may have changed tho.

  8. a)
    [I am tossing out a theory about the rapid rise of an imbecile order-taker nobody, and ‘yes’, I refer to the kamster.]
    In his well-researched book SUPERMOB, investigative journalist Russo details the outright ownership of just about every bureaucrat at every level of just about every government.
    For over a century, almost each bureaucrat — dog-catchers to head-bureaucrats such as Presidents and P. Ministers — takes orders from a criminal gang masquerading as a religion.
    The kamster is no different.
    Those union reps are all part of the same skim-scam.
    [Another theory…]
    Long game, who benefits?
    After they deplete the fUSA military in the Ukraine, after they Swiss-cheese the American military with twits and twinks, who remains to maintain our borders, transportation, utilities?
    The way I see it, TheGlobalBankers© are earnestly working to gently encourage regular Americans to, once again, stand on our hind legs and accept responsibility for continuing our Northern European Heritage.
    Why else would they consistently encroach, invade, and trespass?
    They aren’t getting any push-back from Northern European Heritage folk by loading the place with perpetual-dole low-IQ zero impulse-control illegals, so they moved to Page Two in the script…
    …engage the hystericals.
    Explain to the cat-spinsters about those horridly-awful illegals eating their precious Fluffy and Mister Whiskers.
    It’s their nature, the hystericals need to be hysterical about something, so that was an easy escalation.
    And while they got those goofballs all riled, they crater an ammunition factory.
    And they scribble new ‘laws’ against collecting rain and building firearms at home.
    And they insert another prop — Doctor Jill — to sit at the head of the table of Very Important Suits.
    Northern European Heritage folk are a spring, laying there and pretty much inert.
    They are the compressor, squeezing the spring.
    I, for one, think they are doing a fine fine splendid job.
    Too little pressure, and we accept that as normal.
    Too much pressure, and the whole shootin’ match collapses.
    [Proven fact (not a theory)]
    The xionists/GlobalBankers® are not in-charge.
    They are merely another bunch of order-taker types.
    Their master is an evil we cannot begin to understand.

  9. I know that if, say, the mayor of Plano decided to endorse a specific candidate or party, that would have absolutely no bearing on how I’d cast my vote.

    Really, Kim? If the mayor of Plano was an asshole (in your opinion) and (s)he gave a full-throated endorsement of another candidate or ballot initiative, you wouldn’t look at that and think, “this must also be some assholiness if the mayor like it.”?

    True, that may not be the case, but it would be the way to bet.

  10. You guys are going to have to get used to the idea that Trump will lose in November, having squandered away an election that he couldn’t possibly lose. First cats and dogs, now Iran, wandering off the track into every irrelevancy he can think of, deliberately sabotaging himself every time he opens his mouth? In professional golf they call that choking.

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