Still Non-Compos Mentis Et Corpore

…which is to say that this latest attack of the Dreaded Lurgies, while not as severe as the previous one, is still holding me down and making life miserable — or maybe it’s the meds;  whatever, I’m feeling crap.

Please forgive the paucity and poor quality of recent posts.  Like Snowball, I shall Just Try Harder once normal health is restored — on Friday, by my calculations.

In the meantime… (“Quick, throw ’em a gun pic — that should do.”Ed.)

That’s a matched pair of Uberti 1873 “Cattleman” revolvers, in the manly .45 Colt chambering.


  1. Aren’t they luvlay?
    I’ll take both, with a double holster, as long as you throw in a lever gun using the same boolitz, and a dbl barrel coach gun in 10 ga.
    Oh yeah, I’ll take Blondies hat and poncho too.

  2. I’ll post here to remind our kind Host’s readers that the World War II History Center’s annual WWII gun shoot takes place again this year on October 19, 2024. The place is the gun range on El Dorado Lake, El Dorado, Kansas, about 45 minutes east of Wichita. And we do have a couple of full-auto funsies, a Thompson and a Berretta M38/42.

    Kim – I should add here that I managed to pick up one of what I think is your favorite rifles – a 1943 Husqvarna M38 in 6.5. Yes, she is quite lovely. Almost no recoil in a cartridge capable of easily taking deer. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

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