Urban Island

Okay, here’s a place that for some reason has taken my imagination:

Another view:

It’s in England — it could only be in England in that location — and in the chilly north (York), which would make it even less desirable.  Also, from its description it’s in terrible shape inside, and in typical Brit fashion it has only one bathroom, but ignore all that for the moment.

Like I said, for some reason it has a strange appeal for me.  The “no neighbors” thing is one attraction, and yes, there will be terrible traffic noise so having a garden is not that much of an attraction.  But it’s surely a better deal than one of the houses / apartments across the main road, which have all the same noise but not any privacy, with two shared walls and cramped living conditions.

Could you live in such a place, or is it the stuff of your nightmares?

I meant this to be posted yesterday, but in my sickened state I cocked up the date, so here it is.


  1. Nope! —- Total Nightmare!!!.

    One bathroom and NO Vehicle access? Constant Traffic noise. …. not exactly No neighbors. My definition is that I can’t see any of my neighbors’ houses from any window. and Postage stamp lot that I don’t even own, which probably means there are all sorts of restrictions as to what I can and can’t do to the overgrown lot. ( like remove some of those trees to add a drive and Garage). and to make everything worse it’s “the popular local dog walking park”. Get off my lawn! Or, in this case, the local Counsils Lawn.

    1. Me neither. Would rather be out in the boonies with NO neighbours, at the end of a dirt track, in a cottage without bedrooms, only sleeping alcoves, a big kitchen/diner/living room, with a workshop out back.

  2. Strike 1: No parking.

    Strike 2: Leasehold – who knows how much the ground rent will increase?

    Strike 3: It’s Grade II listed which means that council busybodies need to approve anything you do to the place. Like putting in triple-glazing and general soundproofing and solar panels and a parking pitch and…

  3. I looked up the weather in general for York. Its perfect. Doesnt get hot in thr summer and has cool/chilly winters but is just nice.
    Now all thats needed is to get rid of the councel so one can rehab the place without paying a bunch of collectivists to give ignorant directions

  4. What a worthless piece of shit that horrifying existence is.

    If I inherited it free and clear today, tomorrow I would sell it for whatever I could get out of it.

    I have an over the top violent aversion to all things society and people in general.

  5. What’s that they’re building to the northeast, there – the parking lot for the municipal tannery?

  6. In my hometown there’s a home in a fork of the road, not quite an island like that but still. And better yet not a main thoroughfare but in a neighborhood with reduced traffic speeds. And still when I lived there it averaged about one car crash into the house every other year. Seriously, it was about 2 blocks from the high school and I remember 3 car crashes during my 4 years there. I think they eventually put up some posts and signs in the yard, but nothing sturdy enough to actually stop a car barreling thru. So, big nope.

  7. I’d rather live in the countryside, but if I had to live in York, I could be talked into this property.

  8. Surrounded on all sides by major thoroughfares, no driveway, no garage, and a tiny odd-shaped yard? Not only “no,” but “oh HELL no!”

    Plus, it’s in Formerly-Great Britain. There isn’t enough money in the world to get me to live in Formerly-Great Britain, and since I think I’m on Scotland Yard’s “arrest on sight!” list (I mocked the chief of the London Met after he announced his intent to charge and extradite Americans who share salty memes), I don’t think I can even set foot in the country now.

  9. I found the listing, and it’s sold, the listing noting that it needs much interior work and the lot vegetation is overgrown.
    I went on Google Earth and the house footprint is about 800 sq ft, and a staircase to the second floor would eat up a chunk of that. I saw the lot is curbed all the way around, with no curb cut for a driveway. Being a listed property, no doubt the local property nazis wouldn’t even allow a motor vehicle on the lot, never mind cut their precious curb. There is a huge park, maybe 100 acres, across the street, but that’s probably reserved for his local lordship.
    No thanks, no matter where it is.

  10. I understand the fascination. There are some houses on islands that you can see from the bridges I used to drive over on my way to New Bedford that I always wondered about. On sober consideration they would have been absolutely horrible in winter, and access would have been a constant problem.

    I agree with the commenter who brought up road noise. Looks like a good setting for a young adult urban fantasy novel series, where the noise could be kept out with magic.

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