Not Even A Perfume

Ohhh I think I have an old-man crush on Giorgio — I mean Giorgia.

The EyetiePM, not the state next door to Alabama or the similarly-named failed former vassal state of the U.S.S.R., and definitely not the perfume.

I mean, what’s not to like?

Okay, never mind all that.  When you get breathless pieces like this one written about you by a Commiesymp asshole like this guy, how bad could you be?

Dangerous far-right demagogue or free-thinking radical?

And all this was written before she became the EyetiePM.  Here was her plan:

“The top priority today goes to supporting families and businesses that have been brought to their knees by inflation and the rise of energy bills due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

“I think the next Italian government should fight at the EU level for a price cap to be introduced for gas. We are ready to act also at the national level if the EU should delay any longer.”

“Once the emergency has been overcome, the priorities are to cut taxes, to support families and the competitiveness of businesses, to build strategic infrastructures and to invest in a new industrial policy.”

Of course, our boy was outraged.

If all this sounds familiar, she says that “in the conservative world I think about Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher…”

…like that would be a Bad Thing.

But in the meantime:

In Italy illegal immigration by sea has witnessed a sharp decline this year owing to the strict anti-clandestine immigration policies of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing conservative government.

According to newly released official data that appeared in the local daily newspaper, Il Giornale this month, Rome recorded a shockingly sharp 62.4% drop in illegal arrivals in 2024, with 37,000 migrants landing in Italy as of August 12. Last year at the same time there were around 100,000 arrivals.

“Shockingly?”  Would it be impertinent to offer La Giorgia a job as, say, U.S. Border Czar?  (Also, Javier Milei of Argentina to be the U.S. Czar of Bureaucrat Downsizing & Retrenchment, but let me not get carried away.)

Okay, nobody’s perfect:

The Italian government approved a decree on Wednesday doubling to 200,000 euros ($218,220.00) per year a flat tax applied on income earned abroad by wealthy individuals who transfer their tax residence to the country.

By the way, the original plan to offer tax residence to rich guys was instituted by Italy’s erstwhile Socialist government in the hope that said rich guys would boost the (perennially inadequate) Italian economy.  As with so many Socialist dreams, it failed.  So Meloni has no doubt figured out that if they aren’t helping, the EytieGov may as well milk them.  It’s not like the likes of superstar footballer Cristiano Ronaldo can’t afford a lousy 200k, is her probable thinking.

Also, the EU hates Meloni and considers her a “fascist”… so when those Socialists hate you, you have to be doing something right. (#HungaryPMViktorOrban)

And she’s as cute as a button.

Labor Day Break

It’s Labor Day so apart from the Funnies (below), I’m giving my brain a rest.  Enjoy all these beauties from the 1930s…

1938 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Spider

Kay Francis

1939 Aston Martin Lagonda V12 Rapide

Sylvia Sidney

1938 SS-100 Roadster

Maureen O’Sullivan

1938 Mercedes 540K Cabrio A

Frances Dee

1936 MG SA Tourer

Mary Brian

See  y’all tomorrow.

Monday Funnies

But before we do that, let’s have a chuckle or two, starting with a DNC summary:

And speaking of the former “Border Czarina”:

Well, I’d hire her.

And an oldie, but still one of my favorites for “Mother Of The Year”:

And to end on one more political vote:

Also, with everywhere (except Texas) about to drift into Fall, some reminders of the past summer:

And in the rear-view mirror, as you head off to find that dozer:

Classic Beauty: Dolores Del Rio

I think I first saw Dolores Del Rio in the Astaire/Rogers pic Flying Down To Rio, but even though she only had a small part, I was captivated — and I have no idea why it’s taken me so long to feature her on these pages.

Pretty as a young starlet, she blossomed into an astonishing beauty, and remained so until her death in 1983.  Follow the link above to get her full story — it’s quite a ride.