News Roundup

Diving straight into the Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© Doom ‘n Gloom:


...Clymate Catty-clyzzim:  is there anything it can’t do?

Some better news: they say:  sounds reasonable. Dallas?  I think that’s known as “armed intruder roulette”.  Clearly, the victim wasn’t one of those “post-Biden-replacement” gun buyers.

...the poor wee man, having to make such sacrifices.  And as I’ve said before:  the smart ones had already unloaded their overpriced bolt-holes before Labour came back into power.

...and 15-1 the cause of death was something serious.

[assuming Inspector Renault’s shocked — shocked! expression]

...I’m not quite sure what makes Swansea different from every other smallish Brit city, but there ya go.  Unless keyword:  Wales.

In the Department of Education:

...all together now:  “The eyes of Texas are upon you…”

...well, well, well:  and it wasn’t a member of the Royal Family, Andy not having been born yet.

And in International Jew-Hate News:

...for my Furrin Readers, that would be the MINNESOTA Vikings.
#NotSurprising #LeftistCunts

In related news: Hebrew isn’t what it used to be, but a rough translation might be:  “Slaughter all terrorist assholes”.  we need the Izzies to open up an American branch office, because:

...just part of the Great Cleansing Process to come.

Now onto those things we call that’s our Amanda. ...don’t tease us, Chris.

Finally, in our journey down :

...if you’re into that whole Anorexic Spice thing, that is:

And that’s all the skinny for now.


  1. what is that line from Jeff Cooper about criminals won’t stop committing crimes until they learn to fear their victims?

    Gee the muzzies keep attacking everyone including each other. It’s not a phobia if the threat is real

  2. what is that line from Jeff Cooper about criminals won’t stop committing crimes until they learn to fear their victims?

    Gee the muzzies keep attacking everyone including each other. It’s not a phobia if the threat is real

    I thought Anorexic Spice was covered in tattoos or is that just her current squeeze?

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