
Via Kenny:

Hate to break it to you, Scooter, but every state is hurting from Bidenflation, and we know damn well that DEI Harris is going to do sweet fuck all about the energy crisis and inflation except add more of the same Bidenbullshit like Net Zero, “sustainable” energy generation and EVs.  Trump, on the other hand, may actually do something useful… like he did the last time he was President.

And anyone who doesn’t know this doesn’t deserve to live, let alone vote.

From the same birdcage liner:

Actually, entrepreneurs of any ethnicity will “have an affinity towards Trump’s economic agenda”  because if they believe in Harris’s DEI-sodden, Socialistic and climate change economic agenda, they deserve to get whatever comes to them.

#GeneralMotors #Academia #etc,

One comment

  1. To understand harris’s next 4 years just look at her last 4 years.
    Using that metric she shouldn’t get a single vote.
    But alas, parasites, criminals and retarded dumbasses are allowed to vote.

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