Worth Knowing

From Friend & Longtime Reader JCinPA:

I’ve been handicapping the probability of widespread violence around the election—I mean as in nationwide—for a couple of years and now I believe any sentient person knows it is now virtually 100%. The only question remaining is which side wins the election, that will determine which side kicks off the festivities, but we will have festivities.

For any of your readers who are not firearms enthusiasts (there must be 1 or 2?), you may want to put this out as a public service announcement. Good condition S&W police surplus revolvers. Add $50-75 for s&h and processing, but in the unlikely event someone has no weapon and is now regretting that fact, these are the ticket for the non-shooter.

Along with four to five 5-gal water bottles and some 4patriot food packs, it’s time to get prepared.

All good advice and two good links.  Thankee, my friend.

I actually added some supplies to the SHTF cupboard a day or two ago, for no apparent reason.  Hadn’t done it for a while, but something must have been tickling my antenna.  And I don’t think I’m the only one…

One comment

  1. The first firearm I ever purchased was a local-police-surplus S&W Mod. 64, exactly like those. I believe I paid around eighty eurobucks for it back in the early 2000s. Mine was probably never even carried, had just sat in a locker. It is super accurate, considering it has only little gutter sights, and it has never failed to go bang. I still have it and enjoy using it. Excellent recommendation. Everybody should have one or two.

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