News Roundup

Might need to have a toke or two after reading this news roundup…

From the Disaster Known As Government: wonders, just out of curiosity of course, how the Blackhawk’s pilot would have responded if he’d started to take fire from the ground Just idly wondering, of course.

...and just when you thought Catch-22 was out of date.

From the Education Department:

...keyword:  Australia. that’s overachieving, even for #Wisconsin And… 11?  Now onto our next item:

...she’s lying.  I bet she doesn’t even know what Gen her alleged Glock is, never mind how to load it.

In Furrin News:

...maybe because they’re four times as likely to be criminals?

...bravissima, Signora Meloni.

...keyword:  Mexico.

And now for some Truly Stupid News:

...oh FFS;  next thing:  Laundry SWAT?  Oh wait;  first:  Banter Police.

...young Romeo needs hanging.

...doesn’t matter;  their fries have been shit ever since they stopped frying them in beef tallow anyway.

And in ever-link-free 


...fucking Disney has a lot to answer for.

And a quick visit to reveals:

...ahhh Alica Schmidt;  the best thing to come out of Germany since the Mercedes Gullwing.

And that’s all the nudes news worth uncovering.

One comment

  1. Would it be too much to hope that Bill Gates would be negatively impacted by the McDonald’s supplier closing its plant in Washington? You know, since he has 14000 acres in Washington growing that particular crop.

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