1. Ad for Tyson Chicken: Flowers for bouquets and boutonnieres are expensive, but chicken is cheap.

    1. Oh good. I was trying to figure out what those were: Miniature elephants? Mexican Hairless puppies?

      1. I’m wearing a T-shirt with that very saying on it at this very moment.
        And next Tuesday, I will be wearing a certain T-shirt with an image of a Minuteman statue and the statement that I don’t just want the Second Amendment, I want the whole Constitutional structure; every article, every clause, the whole thing.

  2. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it is yours. If it doesn’t, it wasn’t done.

  3. Woman – I thought the meal for our guests came cooked? I guess with inflation the price doesn’t include cooking the meal for the wedding reception anymore.

    Guy – raw chicken now for our guests, I’m
    Eating pussy later tonight.

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