And Custer’s Having Problems

Some days the wind blows strongly, some days softly, and other days not at all.  This is not a suggestion, nor yet a theory, but a statement of fact based upon… oh, century upon century of daily observation and measurement.

So why would you want to base your energy supply upon so changeable a source?

Well to most of us, the answer is simple:  you shouldn’t.  Unfortunately, there are others — some in positions of great authority and power — who see the whole thing differently.  And some in that latter group are now getting bitten in the ass:

“At the beginning of this month, Germany’s power supply reached its limits,” Dr. Markus Krebber wrote on LinkedIn.

Citing Nov. 6 as an example, Krebber bemoaned extreme high energy prices and “shortage of supply.” He also warned that the “same situation would not have been manageable on another day with a higher peak load.”

In other words, Europe’s over-reliance on wind power means that when wind speeds slow, energy producers sometimes cannot meet demand.

This state of affairs suppressed energy supply and raised prices in the UK, Germany and elsewhere in northern Europe earlier this month.

You don’t say.

Of course, British government officials have learned all the wrong lessons from “Dunkelflaute.”

For instance, Chris Stark, appointed in July to head the government’s new clean energy-focused Mission Control, doubled down on renewables.

“Even small amounts of low-carbon flex can displace a lot of gas. We’ll also need to support the build of a lot of new renewable generation – of all types, but especially offshore wind,” Stark said on Nov. 5.

Indeed.  When foolishness proves not to work, what you need is… MOAR FOOLISHNESS.  So if the wind isn’t blowing at all, more wind generators will solve the problem.  Does he even realize how stupid he sounds?

As with all Socialism, when the facts do not conform to the theory, the theory is still paramount.



  1. coal, natural gas and nuclear, even burning garbage gives you electricity when people want it. Wind and solar gives you far less electricity when nature allows it. And we all know that Nature can be a fickle and dangerous bitch.

  2. Back when I was a wee lad, we used to hear jokes about selling coal to Newcastle, meaning “sure lad, I will believe that when pigs fly” because Newcastle sits atop huge coal fields.

    The sad part today is that the UK and soon to dissolve EU are all sitting on plenty of coal, NG and oil but their idiot (selected) governments refuse to exploit said resources. I have many friends all over these places from 40 years of working the zone and wish them no harm, but they are going to freeze to death this winter thanks to said idiocy in voting (but not being counted it appears) for the idiots they have “ruling” over them. Until the spirit of 1776 or perhaps, le Bastille returns to function, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose .

  3. When the environmental movement was just getting off the ground, they got the Windmills and solar panels fairytale in their heads from somewhere and they have never really examined it. I think it started out with THE WHOLE EARTH CATALOG selling kits and plans for small farm-type windmill generators and solar panels, and the perennial Lefty conviction that if you can make something kind of work under carefully supported circumstances, you can then immediately push it on the rest of society.

    They did this with open Classrooms, too.

    The Progressive Left is simply chock full of people who are allergic to math, and who therefore cannot do effective analysis on practically ANYTHING.

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